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Canada trans teacher with football-sized breasts in shop class



The controversial classroom attire of a transgender teacher, which has created a local and global media storm and flooded the inboxes of Halton District School Board staff and trustees, has now prompted a review of the board's dress code.
For the past several days as photos of the Oakville Trafalgar High School tech teacher wearing overly large prosthetic breasts went viral, the board stood by its position of recognizing “the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression.”
At a Sept. 21 meeting, however, HDSB trustees voted to request Director of Education Curtis Ennis return to the board before the end of November with a report addressing “the various considerations regarding dress codes,” a motion that carried unanimously.
“I read each and every email that I receive; some of them have been quite nasty from groups far beyond the borders of Canada, described as hate groups,” said Oakville trustee Tracey Ehl Harrison, who brought the motion forward.

As many questions from the public are human resources related issues, trustees are restricted in what they are able to say at this time, but all “courteous and respectful” inquiries received by trustees on this issue are forwarded to senior staff, said board chair Margo Shuttleworth.