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Canada: Muslim migrant killed McDonald’s co-worker over racial slur



Josh Burns, 19, was attacked and killed inside a McDonald's restaurant in Sundre on July 4, 2022.
Josh Burns, 19, was attacked and killed inside a McDonald's restaurant in Sundre on July 4, 2022. Facebook photo

Murder suspect Solaimane Elbettah told a co-worker he killed a fellow Sundre McDonald’s employee over a racial slur, court heard Monday.

And the lawyer for the Moroccan native said he will argue his client was too mentally ill at the time he killed Joshua Burns to be found criminally responsible for his murder.



Old Fart
Sure the victim was a racist asshole. But that does not mean he deserved to get his throat sliced.

Man on trial for machete murder at McDonald's testifies angels, demons and spirits run world​

Defence lawyer to argue client was not criminally responsible​

Meghan Grant · CBC News · Posted: Feb 27, 2024 8:04 PM EST | Last Updated: February 28


Solaimane Elbettah, facing the security camera, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Josh Burns, whose back is to the camera. Elbettah admitted to slicing the victim's throat with a machete in the early hours of July 4, 2022. (Court exhibit)

'He was insulting me'​

Court heard evidence on Monday that after he sliced the teen's throat, Elbettah texted the McDonald's manager.

"Sorry about everything," he wrote.

"He was insulting me and he was thinking he was better than me because he was white."



Sure the victim was a racist asshole. But that does not mean he deserved to get his throat sliced.

Man on trial for machete murder at McDonald's testifies angels, demons and spirits run world​

Defence lawyer to argue client was not criminally responsible​

Meghan Grant · CBC News · Posted: Feb 27, 2024 8:04 PM EST | Last Updated: February 28


Solaimane Elbettah, facing the security camera, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Josh Burns, whose back is to the camera. Elbettah admitted to slicing the victim's throat with a machete in the early hours of July 4, 2022. (Court exhibit)

'He was insulting me'​

Court heard evidence on Monday that after he sliced the teen's throat, Elbettah texted the McDonald's manager.

"Sorry about everything," he wrote.

"He was insulting me and he was thinking he was better than me because he was white."


The holy texts encourage excessive violence against infidels. Incident data doesn't LIE.


Sure the victim was a racist asshole. But that does not mean he deserved to get his throat sliced.

Man on trial for machete murder at McDonald's testifies angels, demons and spirits run world​

Defence lawyer to argue client was not criminally responsible​

Meghan Grant · CBC News · Posted: Feb 27, 2024 8:04 PM EST | Last Updated: February 28


Solaimane Elbettah, facing the security camera, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Josh Burns, whose back is to the camera. Elbettah admitted to slicing the victim's throat with a machete in the early hours of July 4, 2022. (Court exhibit)

'He was insulting me'​

Court heard evidence on Monday that after he sliced the teen's throat, Elbettah texted the McDonald's manager.

"Sorry about everything," he wrote.

"He was insulting me and he was thinking he was better than me because he was white."

agree. this religion is evil.