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can this video be classified as satisfying to watch by leongsam's standards?


fitst part or ending part?
First part is My fantasy. Running someone down is not part of my satisfaction.
I would have run him down the moment I saw him charging towards my car with a weapon. There's no need for my windscreen to get damaged unnecessarily due to initial cowardice.
I think you will do a quick 3 point turn and run to avoid the unnecessary windscreen wreckage.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Not enough blood and guts spilling out.

This is the standard that needs to be achieved...



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I think you will do a quick 3 point turn and run to avoid the unnecessary windscreen wreckage.

Easier to just go forward and mow down the attacker. If I reverse in panic, there's a high chance I'll hit someone or car behind me. A lot more legal troubles.


Easier to just go forward and mow down the attacker. If I reverse in panic, there's a high chance I'll hit someone or car behind me. A lot more legal troubles.
If aggressor dies, will he be charged with murder?


Need evidence for self defence mah
I would have run him down the moment I saw him charging towards my car with a weapon. There's no need for my windscreen to get damaged unnecessarily due to initial cowardice.