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can submit claim against the oil spiller for loss of enjoyment of east coast beach?


Singapore will seek compensation for the costs incurred from the recent oil spill from the owners of Marine Honour, the stationary vessel that discharged the oil after it was hit by another ship.

In a response to a CNA query, the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) said on Thursday (Jun 20) that the shipowner of Marine Honour is liable for costs incurred, and that the ship has insurance coverage to meet the liability.

This falls under the Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution) Act 1998, which gives effect to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969, which was later revised in 1992, MPA said.

"Costs for measures reasonably taken after the spill, resulting economic losses and environmental damage arising from the contamination can be assessed for claims."

After the clean-up operation, Singapore government agencies will "seek compensation for cost of all measures taken to contain and clean up the spill, including where damage was caused to infrastructure", MPA said.

British Marine, the insurer of Marine Honour, has set up a contact for third-party claims by those affected.

They can email [email protected].
