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Can Leongsam do analysisbof number of Political Refugees coming from fkwarezone?


Moi is one of political refugee! Can leongsam do statistics since SPH privatise, show trend how many members joined ? Must be sharp increase


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Surely u have statistics of number of people who joined sammyboy courtyard. Just plot the membership trend

I have data on the number of people who have joined but I don't have a clue whether they are outcasts from HWZ or whether they are from Mars.


I have data on the number of people who have joined but I don't have a clue whether they are outcasts from HWZ or whether they are from Mars.
Plot the membership trend and see if Spike increase happened sane time SPH went private and fkwarezone migrate to stupid platform.

I can do cross check


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Plot the membership trend and see if Spike increase happened sane time SPH went private and fkwarezone migrate to stupid platform.

I can do cross check

Don't see any spikes.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 9.57.08 PM.png