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Can Chinese Malaysians Go Back Now

syed putra

I think if you're an ethnic chinese in Malaysia, Anwar is the least worst choice.
Anwar wasn't like this when he was in umno. He too stroke race and religious sentiments, invluding on chinese schools
Plus caused confusion with bahasa baku, using indonesian spelling thus ch become c, sh becomes sy......



Beware, Anwar is a double-headed snake. He will only collaborate with those who can benefit him. I doubt he'll be of much advantage to the Singapore/Malaysia relationship going into his premiership. Pinkie and DPM Wong had better be prepared. Just observe which will be the first country he'll visit as the new PM.


Beware, Anwar is a double-headed snake. He will only collaborate with those who can benefit him. I doubt he'll be of much advantage to the Singapore/Malaysia relationship going into his premiership. Pinkie and DPM Wong had better be prepared. Just observe which will be the first country he'll visit as the new PM.
My bet is he will visit a western country.

syed putra

Beware, Anwar is a double-headed snake. He will only collaborate with those who can benefit him. I doubt he'll be of much advantage to the Singapore/Malaysia relationship going into his premiership. Pinkie and DPM Wong had better be prepared. Just observe which will be the first country he'll visit as the new PM.
Anwar and halimah both have indian father. PAP prepared for anwar a long time sgo. High speed rail will proceed on PAP terms.