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C-919 airliner will stop buying Chow Ang Moh engine, own made engine now begin testing.

Tony Tan



中国大涵道比发动机点火测试 未来或装1000架C919

中国大涵道比发动机点火测试 未来或装1000架C919

2018年11月23日 12:53 新浪军事

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China's large bypass ratio engine ignition test future or installed 1000 C919
China's large bypass ratio engine ignition test future or installed 1000 C919
November 23, 2018 12:53 Sina Military
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Military aviation and civil aviation are mutually reinforcing relationships. For example, many technologies between military transport aircraft and civilian passenger aircraft are connected. The promotion of large aircraft manufacturing base will promote the development of both. As Dang 20 became mature and began to equip the air force to assist strategic transportation capabilities, the development of the domestic C-919 large-scale civilian passenger aircraft also made a breakthrough. If the development of air force equipment can guard our blue sky, the development of domestic civil aircraft will end the situation of foreign passenger planes and play a world of Chinese aviation in the civil aviation market.


The C919 passenger plane has completed several trials and various tests, and it has been a complete success. According to the design manufacturer, it can be put into operation in 3 years. At present, with excellent performance and good price/performance ratio, the C-919 has already won a total of 1000 orders. This is not only the case of a number of domestic airlines, but also some foreign airlines who have placed orders, which has indeed attracted worldwide attention.


The C-919 has the right benefits at this time. China's civil aviation market has been developing rapidly, and it is impossible to continue to seize foreign passenger aircraft. According to estimates, in the next 15 years, China's civil aviation operating space will reach 1 trillion US dollars - about 7 trillion yuan. The maturity and mass use of the C-919 will bring back such a huge market share in China. This has important implications for the development of the aviation market and the development of the domestic aviation industry. It is conceivable that with the first batch of C-919 put into use, it will open a virtuous circle of China's civil aviation industry: excellent trunk aircraft have achieved good returns, and they have returned to the civil aviation industry, thus launching newer aircraft...

Military and civilian large aircraft promote each other in many ways
The size gap is conspicuous! Comparison of domestic large aircraft C919 and CR9291/8
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At the 12th China Aerospace Exhibition (Zhuhai Air Show), COMAC demonstrated the same scale model of China's domestic large aircraft C919 and C929, which can intuitively feel the difference in size between the two aircraft. (Source: World Wide Web)

With a maximum range of more than 5,000 kilometers, the C-919 has a large body, strong structure, comfort, safety, reliability and economy. It is very good from the test. The C-919 used a European-made aero engine in previous tests. This is completely understandable, because the new aircraft test flight must first ensure the normal operation of the project, and minimize the variables, especially for civil aviation. It is undeniable that as a veteran aviation country, the aviation technology of the United Kingdom, France and other countries is very mature.

European-made aircraft engine

However, the C-919 is destined to have a domestic heart, which is also a key step in the real localization of passenger aircraft. Since last year, the domestic CJ-1000 series of large-cranked civil passenger aircraft engines with large thrust has entered the fast lane of development, forming a complete R&D system and test platform, and successfully conducted ignition tests this year. Its technical performance is no less than that of foreign products, and its development and development work is also very smooth, and it will soon enter the practical stage. With the development of the domestic large bypass ratio engine, the C-919 ushered in the domestic engine is only a matter of time.

Domestic large bypass ratio engine has made great progress

Some friends still feel too slow, but the research of technology is not done overnight, but requires careful, careful and repeated experiments. The technology involved in aero-engines is comprehensive: design, metal materials, processing industry, etc., any country. The development of aero engines is a long process. As a latecomer to the big bypass ratio engine, China's progress on these projects has been very gratifying. The development of the 20 military transport aircraft and the C-919 civil passenger aircraft all reflect the progress of China's aviation industry. Let us pay tribute to those struggling researchers. (Author's signature: military home)

Tony Tan

Ang Moh engine were only used to jump start the whole project time frame without awaiting for Chinese own engines.

Just like the initial batch of J-20 combat jets 1stly used Russian engines, get their project moving and on increasingly fast momentum. Already switch to a (temporary) Chinese WS-10 engine in 2017, but not yet the fully matching (to original design requirement) WS-15. WS-15 are now only in pilot test with prototypes. Not yet finalized for actual production. Modification to design details are still expected.

This is called Chiam See Tong or 暂时顶 aka temporary substitution!


It a tall order as airlines and passengers alike are unwilling to tried an Untested engine from a relatively new player. other than this they still need to train the maintenance crew and buy new equipments.

I would think local engines will be fitted on the military version of C919.


I don't know whether the C919 or CR929 will succeed, but if there's going to be a credible challenger to the existing duopoly this China-Russia joint effort is probably as good as it gets. These two nations have enough combined domestic demand to lift the project to a critical mass.

Any other country attempting will likely fail as without a massive domestic market to reach minimal demand, there is no realistic way to reach economies of scale and bring down production costs even if the technology is mastered.


Old Fart
I wonder if their own commie chink citiziens would dare fly their own aircraft if they knew the engines were local made.


Alfrescian (Inf)
good. they can use it to fly atb prostitutes all over prc to service their clients. engines won't last for 6.9 months.

Tony Tan

Here is how Chow Ang Moh Boeing 737 Engine exploded midair and broken window sucked a woman out of window and finally killed - she was mother of 2 and Well Fargo Bank Executive Jennifer Riordan.


PLANE DEATH Who was Jennifer Riordan? Woman sucked out of plane window on Southwest Airlines flight 1380
The mum of two was partially sucked out of Southwest Airlines flight 1380 as it flew from New York to Dallas
By Guy Birchall
19th April 2018, 8:20 am
Updated: 19th April 2018, 11:31 am
ALBUQUERQUE banker and mother of two Jennifer Riordan is the passenger who died after being partially sucked out of a plane window.
The Southwest Boeing 737 had just departed New York's LaGuardia Airport en-route to Dallas when the left engine exploded and ruptured metal flew towards a window. Here's what we know about the tragic death.
Banking executive Jennifer Riordan suffered fatal head injuries Who was Jennifer Riordan?
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Jennifer Riordan died after the engine failure on board Southwest Airlines flight 1380.

The plane was struck by shrapnel in midair as it flew from New York to Dallas yesterday.

She was a Wells Fargo bank executive and mother of two from Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Tragic Jennifer was the first passenger killed in an accident involving a US airline since 2009.

The seven other victims on Flight 1380 suffered minor injuries.


Passengers said they were injured by a piece of shrapnel which blew from the engine into the side of the plane
Her heartbroken husband Michael, and their two young children, described her as "the bedrock of our family".

A family statement read: "Jennifer’s vibrancy, passion and love infused our community and reached across our country.

"Her impact on everything and everyone she touched can never be fully measured.

"She and Mike wrote a love story unlike any other. Her beauty and love is evident through her children."

Jennifer, pictured with her husband, was raced to hospital after the emergency landing in Philadelphia What happened to her?

The Boeing 737 had just taken off from New York's LaGuardia Airport, heading to Dallas, when the left engine exploded and ruptured metal flew towards a window.

It was flying over east Pennsylvania with 143 passengers and five members of crew on board when the left engine suddenly exploded mid air.
The pilot immediately diverted towards Philadelphia to make an emergency landing and photos show what appears to be jet fuel, oozing from the passenger plane on to the tarmac.

According to other passengers on the plane, the shrapnel pierced a window next to Jennifer as the aircraft made its descent.

A retired nurse detailed the terrifying moment when shrapnel struck Mrs Riordan’s window and pulled her through the hole, almost completely sucking her out of the aircraft.

Peggy Phillips was sitting a row in front of Mrs Riordan when the engine exploded.

Ranch hand Tim McGinty and nurse Peggy Phillips both tried to save the stricken mum
Ms Phillips told US network ABC despite everyone’s best efforts, Ms Riordan could not be saved.

Firefighter Andrew Needum and Tim McGinty, a ranch hand who was travelling with his wife, helped pull the woman back inside the plane.

“The window had broken and the suction, the negative pressure, had pulled her outside the plane partially,” she said. “These two wonderful men, the EMT and a passenger, managed to get her back inside the plane and we lay her down and we started CPR.”

Mr McGinty told the TV network FOX4 what happened.

“The engine went out and we had a lady go out the window, and we couldn’t pull her in,” he said. “A guy helped, we got her pulled in. They tried to resuscitate her.”

Tony Tan


Woman dies after she was nearly sucked out of plane in explosion

Passengers on board the Dallas-bound Southwest Airlines flight from New York, which made an emergency landing. After an engine on the plane's left side blew, it threw off shrapnel, shattering a window and causing cabin depressurisation that nearly pulled out a 43-year-old passenger, who later died.PHOTO: MARTY MARTINEZ/FACEBOOK
Apr 19, 2018, 5:00 am SGT
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Engine on US domestic airliner explodes in mid-air, shattering window and killing woman
PHILADELPHIA • An engine on a Dallas-bound Southwest Airlines flight with 149 people aboard apparently exploded on Tuesday, forcing an emergency landing in Philadelphia as one passenger was killed after she was nearly sucked out from a window of the plane, the airline and federal officials said.
The fatality on the flight from New York was the first in a US commercial aviation accident since 2009, according to National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) statistics.
After an engine on the plane's left side blew, it threw off shrapnel, shattering a window and causing cabin depressurisation that nearly pulled out a female passenger, according to witness accounts and local news media reports.
"We have a part of the aircraft missing, so we're going to need to slow down a bit," the plane's captain Tammy Jo Shults told air traffic controllers in audio released on NBC News.
Asked by a controller if the jet was on fire, Ms Shults responded it was not but added: "They said there is a hole and someone went out."
NTSB chairman Robert Sumwalt told a news briefing in Washington that one person had been killed, but declined to elaborate. The 43-year-old was later identified as Ms Jennifer Riordan.

She was a vice-president of community relations for Wells Fargo & Company in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and leaves a husband and two children.

Passenger killed as engine explodes on US flight: Investigators examining the damaged engine of Southwest Airlines Flight 1380, which was en route from New York City to Dallas, Texas, when the engine exploded, sending shrapnel into the fuselage, shattering a window and causing the plane to make an emergency landing at Philadelphia Airport in Philadelphia on Tuesday. One passenger was killed after she was nearly sucked out of the window of the plane. PHOTO: REUTERS

"The entire Southwest Airlines family is devastated and extends its deepest, heartfelt sympathy to the customers, employees, family members and loved ones affected by this tragic event," Southwest said in a statement.
The top half of her torso was out the window. There was a lot of blood because she was hit by some of the shrapnel coming off the engine after it exploded.
MR MAX KRAIDELMAN, 20, college student.
It's not a couple of minutes of freaking out and frantically saying goodbye; it's 25 minutes of sustained fear that this was the end. What do you say to your pregnant wife and your parents in your final moments? That's what I was trying to figure out.
Flight 1380 had 144 passengers and five crew members, Mr Sumwalt said. The flight data recorder showed the plane was at about 9,900m when the engine failed about 20 minutes into the flight, according to CNN.
One passenger was taken to the hospital in critical condition, and seven other people were treated for minor injuries at the scene, said Philadelphia Fire Department spokesman Kathy Matheson.
Mr Sumwalt said the NTSB believes parts came off the engine but it has not determined if it was an "uncontained engine failure".
"There are protection rings around the engine to keep shrapnel from coming out. Even though we believe that there were parts coming out of this engine, it may not have been in that section of the engine that technically would qualify this as an uncontained engine failure," he said.
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"We don't think there was a fire at all," he said.
He said the NTSB sees about three or four uncontained engine failures a year, including non-US carriers.
He added the investigation could take 12 to 15 months to complete.
Southwest said it was accelerating its existing engine inspection programme and conducting ultrasonic inspections of fan blades of the CFM56 engines on all of its 737 jets. The airline said it expects to complete the inspections within 30 days. Minimal flight disruptions may result, it said.
The death shattered an unprecedented string of more than nine years without an accident-related fatality on a US passenger airline.
The last fatal accident involving a US-registered carrier occurred near Buffalo, New York, on Feb 12, 2009, when a commuter carrier operated by Colgan Air crashed, killing 49 people on board and a man on the ground.

The NTSB shipped the Southwest plane's two black boxes, or crash-proof recorders, to its lab in Washington, where investigators did an initial download of the cockpit voice recorder on Tuesday night.
Television feeds and photos posted on Twitter show the front of the aircraft's left engine had been ripped open.
A metal piece that covers the exterior of the engine was found in Bernville, Pennsylvania, about 97km north of Philadelphia, Mr Sumwalt said.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Chink made engines will blow up in no time. Don't ever get on a plane with chink made stuff.


Alfrescian (Inf)
By the time the CHICOMS made their first turbofan jet engine, the AMDKs would have perfected the ionic wind engine.
CHICOMS only know how to copy. They can never invent new things.

Silent plane with no moving parts makes 'historic' flight

The blue glowing jets of science fiction spacecraft came a step closer to reality on Wednesday as US physicists unveiled the world's first solid-state aeroplane powered in flight by supercharged air molecules.

More than a century on from the Wright brothers' first artificial flight, scientists hailed the "historic" test of the new technology, which could eventually slash greenhouse-gas emissions from aviation.

Ever since Orville and Wilbur Wright's momentous glide in the winter of 1903, aircraft have been driven by propellers or jets that must burn fuel to create the thrust and lift needed for sustained flight.

A team of experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology managed to unlock a process known as electroaerodynamics, previously never seen as a plausible way to power an aircraft.

They were able to fly the new plane, with a wingspan of five metres (16 feet), a distance of 55 metres at a speed of 4.8 metres-per-second.

That's hardly supersonic, but the implications of this unprecedented mode of flight could be stratospheric.

"The future of flight shouldn't be things like propellers and turbines," said Steven Barrett, who designed the prototype.

"It should be more like what you see in Star Trek with a kind of blue glow and something that silently glides through the air."

At first glance, the plane itself doesn't look lightyears away from other renewable aircraft, such as the Solar Impact II craft that in 2015-16 used energy from the Sun to fly around the world.

Unlike Solar Impact, Barrett's plane doesn't have any propellers or solar panels -- or any moveable parts whatsoever.

Instead of engines, it is powered by a system comprising two main sections.

At the front of the plane sit a series of parallel electrodes made up of lightweight wires that produce an enormous voltage -- +20,000v -- supercharging the air around it and splitting away negatively charged nitrogen molecules known as ions.

At the plane's rear are rows of aerofoils set to -20,000v. The ions automatically move from a positive to negative charge, dragging with them air particles that create the so-called "ionic wind" to provide the aircraft with lift.


syed putra

The fighter jet engines with thrust vectorint nozzle the chinese copied from russia.
Tge c-919 fuselage and cockpit etc copied from airbus.
The engine for c919 copied from most likely, GE.

Now do you know why trump is pissed with china.


All Ang Moh shits are gone cases, their products are unsafe, their technologies are falling behind Chinese. Can not trust Ang Moh planes. Newer models worst than older models. The Lion Air Jakarta Crashed is 737 Maxs 8 latest product popularly ordered and only less than a quarter of orders had been delivered.