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Serious But fair to pap - list down the good positive things that was done


I find the digital Singpass implementation was impressive and able to link it to many different entities. Eg setting up digital banking uses it for authentication.


Being generous with the pioneer generation.
There are many available handouts to them eg silver support scheme, home care giving grants, disability assistance scheme, etc all can add up to over $1k per mth.


Home improvement programme.
Together with the EASE programme.
Heavily subsidised with good materials.
Nowhere else you can find at the cost.


Although the healthcare system has been screwed up, I was impressed that when a patient gets admitted too frequently, the system auto detect it and flag out for social worker to be activated to touch base with the pri spoke person of the patient.


Importing domestic workers to sg to help out with the elderly.
Think about it, without this, what will happen to all the sickly elderly?
Hiring a trained care giver or a home nurse come at a cost many times of a domestic worker.


Having a very responsive 995 scdf medical team, always ready for emergencies at no cost for the transportation.


my only praise for PAP is the libraries and pedestrian walkways.

the libraries are well designed and comfortable to read and pass time.

the pedestrain walkways are simply efficient as they all have a sloping surface at junctions for my bicycle trips and for those on wheelchairs.

that's all i thank the pap for. otherwise i think there are a bunch of overly paid politicians who have more of their own selfish and greedy agendas than caring for singaporeans


my only praise for PAP is the libraries and pedestrian walkways.

the libraries are well designed and comfortable to read and pass time.

the pedestrain walkways are simply efficient as they all have a sloping surface at junctions for my bicycle trips and for those on wheelchairs.

that's all i thank the pap for. otherwise i think there are a bunch of overly paid politicians who have more of their own selfish and greedy agendas than caring for singaporeans
Indeed. I was very impressed especially with the tamp sports hub library.


just to add that the park connectors are really nice to walk or bike and they should really pump more money into these park connectors infrastructure throughout the island. i always enjoy cycling from my place via marina bay sands, marina barrage then into east coast park then all the way to changi airport terminal 4 or alternatively to changi village...easy and safe pcn route and i don't even need to be on the road at all...


From the list, majority of the good stuff are for the pioneers gen.
The hdb lease buy back scheme is another very attractive offer.
Recently one of my ex colleague a pg sold back 30yrs of his lease and got a huge sum 300k+ for a 4room flat built somewhere 2003. He even received another 20k+ of special bonus out of it.
He was happy like fuck. I would be too if I were him. Being able to stay there with no impact and receive a good payout.


All good things come at the expense of taxpayers.
Need to be fair to taxpayers instead.
Can list now the good things taxpayers are paying?
Ex LKY memorial park and perpetual maintenance
Oxley preservation and perpetual maintenance
New National Library and demolish the old