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Business opportunities serving the unvaccinated?


Alfrescian (Inf)
When most of Singapore and the world are vaccinated, the unvaccinated will be discriminated against.
Employers require those working in high-risk or front-line work to be vaccinated e.g. healthcare, airline, sales.
Employees in essential services e.g. army, police have to be vaccinated.
Gyms requiring users to be vaccinated.
Eateries place restrictions on the number of unvaccinated that can eat there.

The unvaccinated are underserved, and there are business opportunities.
These are social enterprises serving the discriminated!
Gyms where everyone is unvaccinated: from the gym staff to the users. Vaccinated users are welcome.
A ride-hailing service for the UnVaxxed.
Eateries for the unvaxxed.
Sales outlets that do not discriminate between vaxed and unvaxxed, although the vaxxed are not likely to patronised,
A credit card for the unvaxxed to proudly proclaim I Am Not Vaccinated And I Am Still Alive And Kicking
All types of services: clinics, KTVs, wellness (massages, facials).
Private tuition and private schools.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
when singapore reaches 70+% vaccinated, the unvax group will be small. there is no business sense. The only viable business will be undertakers.


There are right now. I wont tell you where. Bsuinesses are barely clinging on. Obeying retarded laws is never going to save them