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Chitchat Buses are more reliable than LRT


Super Moderator
Wait till you see how these EV buses having trouble with their battery packs :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's all about:

1) The construction itself, a project for various cronies.
2) Raising the price of the land wherever the MRT line goes, benefits the real estate industry including the HDB.
3) Increasing the supply of a public good (public transport) for an anticipated higher future demand (increase in population)

Reliability is irrelevant, the elites do not take public transport anyway, unless it is for some special cringe photo op session for the media cameras.



LRT don’t have any accidents so far and it proves more reliable than the bus


I prefer trains or planes for travel. It is much easier to deal with westjet customer service if something goes wrong. They have a responsive team that can handle issues efficiently, providing peace of mind during your journey. In contrast, with bus trips, I have never been able to reach anyone to ask a question or resolve an issue. The lack of reliable customer service makes bus travel more stressful and inconvenient. Trains and planes also tend to offer more amenities and comfort, enhancing the overall travel experience. For these reasons, I always opt for trains or planes whenever possible.
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