<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=560 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=550 colSpan=2>Singaporeans are constantly tired <!-- TITLE : end--><!--
A survey has revealed that S'poreans are always tired no matter how much sleep they get. -AsiaOne --></TD></TR><TR>
</TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width=550 colSpan=2><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=content_subtitle align=left>Fri, Dec 05, 2008
AsiaOne </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD align=right width=400><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right>
</TD><TD height=15>
</TD><TD vAlign=top align=right><FORM name=emailToFriendForm action=emailToFriend.jsp method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=/vgn-ext-templating/asiaone/emailToFriend.jsp?vgnextoid=c6850240e510e110VgnVCM100000430a0a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=245d471588322110VgnVCM100000bd0a0a0aRCRD name=emailToFriendPageURL> <INPUT type=hidden value=http://www.asiaone.com/Health/News/Story/A1Story20081204-105579.html name=emailToFriendStoryLink>
</FORM><SCRIPT> function openEmailWindow(emailToFriendForm) { var emailToFriendPageURL = emailToFriendForm.emailToFriendPageURL.value; emailToFriendForm.action = emailToFriendPageURL; emailToFriendForm.target="_blank"; emailToFriendForm.submit(); } </SCRIPT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><!-- Story Without Image / With eXtra Large Image End --><TR><TD class=bodytext colSpan=3><!-- CONTENT : start -->Singaporeans are constantly tired regardless of the amount of sleep they get, according to a mental performance survey conducted last year.
The Brand's Asia Mental Performance Survey also found that 77 per cent of the 202 Singaporeans surveyed were mostly stressed over work, family and relationship matters.
A total of 1,726 people who are working full-time, and between the ages of 22 and 45, were involved in the survey by the health tonic maker well known for its essence of chicken. The survey was conducted across eight countries: China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/static/ads/scripts/adsimu.js"></SCRIPT>The objectives of the survey were to understand the various aspects and belief of mental performance amongst Asian consumers of health products.
At least eight in 10 respondents from the eight countries experience poor mental performance due to stress and lack of rest or sleep. The surveys were primarily conducted online with the exception of India, where respondents were interviewed face-to-face.
The findings also revealed that Singaporeans and Malaysians were generally satisfied with their mental performance. Less so were the Japanese and Chinese, who were among the least satisfied in this area.
Forty-four per cent of the Malaysians surveyed said they take health supplements at least once a week to enhance their mental performance, while Thai respondents resort to regular mind exercises and organic food instead.
When it came to quality sleep and rest, Chinese and Indian respondents regard it as one of the most common activities they actively participate in to improve their mental performance.