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Bus captains don't know basic English



Thu, Apr 02, 2009
my paper


Bus captains don't know basic English

ON TUESDAY, my friend and I boarded bus service 100.

As we were not sure whether the bus would take us to our destination, we asked the bus captain whether the bus would pass by Shaw Towers.

We realised that he spoke only Mandarin, with a heavy accent.

We tried our best to accommodate him by repeating our question in Mandarin.

He curtly replied in Mandarin: "What tower... No! No!" He then promptly waved us off the bus.

However, when we alighted and checked the route directory, we noted that one of the stops was listed as "Opp Shaw Towers".

What is the stand of bus operators when it comes to situations like this?

In this case, the bus captain did not have an adequate command of English and also did not seem familiar with the landmarks along his route.

Not all passengers understand and speak Mandarin.

Bus operators should ensure that bus captains are welltrained when it comes to handling passengers and knowing their routes.

Bus captains should have at least a basic knowledge of English and be familiar with the stops on their route.

It is also important for them to know what landmarks along their route are called in English.

Mr Melvin Lin Junwei


Peasant Lin is indeed a fool.

The World Class has employed cheap foreign talent drivers to cut costs so that stupid peasants like him ENJOY cheap bus fares. With a forked tongue, he accused the transport cartels of employing cheap drivers?! What a gall!



Thu, Apr 02, 2009
my paper


Bus captains don't know basic English

ON TUESDAY, my friend and I boarded bus service 100.

We realised that he spoke only Mandarin, with a heavy accent.

We tried our best to accommodate him by repeating our question in Mandarin.

He curtly replied in Mandarin: "What tower... No! No!" He then promptly waved us off the bus.

However, when we alighted and checked the route directory, we noted that one of the stops was listed as "Opp Shaw Towers".

Not all passengers understand and speak Mandarin.

Bus operators should ensure that bus captains are welltrained when it comes to handling passengers and knowing their routes.

Bus captains should have at least a basic knowledge of English and be familiar with the stops on their route.

Mr Melvin Lin Junwei

Welcome to the world of PRC. China people everywhere.

Do you know there are taxi drivers who are China people? I do not look down on them, but they dont understand English and yet everywhere in Singapore, the road sign is in English, I dont know how are they goin to drive around Singapore. Cause I ever boarded a taxi and the driver is a China guy. I told him I wanted to go to Nee Soon Camp, and he asked me what is Nee Soon Camp, and dont know how to go there? And he expect me to guide him to Nee Soon Camp. What a fuck?

All Thanks to PAP. All these fucker foreign talents that came to Singapore and doesnt knows a shit about English and yet he can be taxi drivers and bus drivers. They didnt use their cow brains that one day if a Tourists that came to Singapore and happens this China taxi drivers cant even bring him to any places in Singapore, what will this tourists think of Singapore?

This tourists will confirm bad mouth Singapore when he or she goes back to their countries and tell their friends that Singapore is actually not as good as what the media says. The taxi drivers doesnt knows a thing about his own country Singapore. And when he visited Geylang, he will tell their friends saying there are many Singaporeans prostitutes standing at the road side. And the Singaporeans squatted on MRT and talked very loudly on the MRT too.

Which actually they are all China people, but they are all yellow skin and the Ang Mos somtimes cannot tell between Singaporeans Chinese and China people.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Peasant Lin is indeed a fool.

The World Class has employed cheap foreign talent drivers to cut costs so that stupid peasants like him ENJOY cheap bus fares. With a forked tongue, he accused the transport cartels of employing cheap drivers?! What a gall!

He forgot that his Master said that "no FT, they will no provide employment to peasent"..:biggrin:


In London, taxi drivers has to pass a rigorous test to make them into walking street directories before they can become taxi drivers.

In Shanghai, only local Shanghainese are allowed to become taxi drivers because they need to know shanghainese and not everyone can speak "Pu Ting Hua"

So in Singapore, why do we allow PRCs that don't speak our language or know our streets to become taxi drivers?

Last time even our primary school educated bus uncles also know basic English which is not hard since they drive the same bus that goes through the same streets everyday. So there is no reason why the PRC can't do it! It the bus company fault also for not educating them before putting them on the streets!


already less 2 f888ing cents per trip for you peasants already, and still want english speaking drivers,,,,

english speaking drivers can,,,, per trip up 20 cents guarantee know where Shaw Tower is,,,,,

anyway MPS and Raymond no take bus, so whats the problem,,,,,,

got money, drive your own car ,,,,

anyway, think the driver is better than many MPs and ministers of singapore,,,, at least he says NO,,, not I dunno

KNN Please vote Raymond Lim out in the next GE



Thu, Apr 02, 2009
my paper


Bus captains don't know basic English

ON TUESDAY, my friend and I boarded bus service 100.

As we were not sure whether the bus would take us to our destination, we asked the bus captain whether the bus would pass by Shaw Towers.

We realised that he spoke only Mandarin, with a heavy accent.

We tried our best to accommodate him by repeating our question in Mandarin.

He curtly replied in Mandarin: "What tower... No! No!" He then promptly waved us off the bus.

However, when we alighted and checked the route directory, we noted that one of the stops was listed as "Opp Shaw Towers".

What is the stand of bus operators when it comes to situations like this?

In this case, the bus captain did not have an adequate command of English and also did not seem familiar with the landmarks along his route.

Not all passengers understand and speak Mandarin.

Bus operators should ensure that bus captains are welltrained when it comes to handling passengers and knowing their routes.

Bus captains should have at least a basic knowledge of English and be familiar with the stops on their route.

It is also important for them to know what landmarks along their route are called in English.

Mr Melvin Lin Junwei

Aren't he suppose to read the directory b4 he board the bus. Silly fellow.


Actually I once encountered a Chinaman bus driver who explained to me very politely and clearly why the bus took different routes on weekdays and weekends.
He did so in Mandarin of course, but my point is that not all of them are rude and unhelpful.


This Melvin Lin must be clown himself. If the bus Capt does not know basic English, he himself should communicate with him in Mandarin. Being a Chinese himself, he should know his basic Chinese.


Alfrescian (Inf)
... He curtly replied in Mandarin: "What tower... No! No!" He then promptly waved us off the bus. ...
It is also important for them to know what landmarks along their route are called in English. ...
ah melvin, ah ...

gahmen say spik mandarin la ... u shud brush up on ur mandarin ... oso muz learn how 2 say landmarks in mandarin ...

like it anot ... once u step out of ur house, u gonna hv 2 deal wif a lot of heavily-accented mandarin speaking ppl ... mor of their comrades wil oso b cumming 2 join dem ...

u cant beat dem, so suggest dat u oso join dem ...


. I told him I wanted to go to Nee Soon Camp, and he asked me what is Nee Soon Camp, and dont know how to go there? And he expect me to guide him to Nee Soon Camp. What a fuck?


Sinkies are stupid, greedy, stingy people who refuse to hire Sinkies and hire FTs who dun know wtf they are doing.

Have you seen a thread I started earlier "Lor Mee Stall FT Don't Know What Lor Mee is! (Must explain Ru Mian)?"

Half the people who reply to that thread say that this is because Sinkies don't want work in food service stall, so must import ultra-cheap FT to bring down the wages that result in Sinkies not wanting to work in food service.

You see this vicious cycle logic repeated everywhere. Now your bus and taxi driver also dont know wtf they are doing.

We are going to get 1000 FT doctors too! Yay, in future when you go polyclinic for examination, better brush up on your Tagalog, Mandarin and Bengali. Or else you kenna wrong medicine, hehheh!

This is a result of Sinkies refusing to hire Sinkies and insisting in hiring people at Bangladesh-level wages.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Gan Kim Yong said never BOW to Singaporean, the next day he got promoted! So you guys out there know what to do in the next election right? Send him back to run down kampong and die there.


Welcome to the world of PRC. China people everywhere.

Yes, not to worry, in 50 years' time, Singapore will either become a special administrative region of PRC (like HK) or will become part of Malaysia. LKY is deadset against the latter and a lot of Singaporeans are as well. Soon, it will be the PRCs calling the shots in Singapore.


We are going to get 1000 FT doctors too! Yay, in future when you go polyclinic for examination, better brush up on your Tagalog, Mandarin and Bengali. Or else you kenna wrong medicine, hehheh!

Its already happening, wait till you encounter a burmese doctor in any government medical institution and you will understand what is vomit blood talking to them. They are FT docs trained locally but they just cannot connect with the locals in communications.

If I remember correctly not too long ago, there was a case of a FT doc prescribing wrong medicine and made it to the media. Should be Clementi Polyclinic I think.


first of all, if u want to work in a certain environment, dont u need to have the pre-requisites that allows u to perform your responsibilities??? chinese is not the main language in sg. malays and indians how??? they r not sg citizens isit??? only chinese take bus ah??? KKNBCCB!!! SBS, get your fucking captains to learn to speak english!!! bloody high and mighty, right??? that's the problem when it is a bloody monopoly, run by a corrupt and inept govt!!!

KNN Please vote Raymond Lim out in the next GE

the guy is already a proven idiot when he said the price increase in public transport was not due to the increase in oil prices... u should have seen his fuck face on tv when he said it... damn high and mighty, like talking down to a child. they r all taking us as idiots, lemmings who will willingly do what they say.

but, dont dream of voting him out... there r a lot of idiots out there who will vote him into office. all 66.6% of them!!!


first of all, if u want to work in a certain environment, dont u need to have the pre-requisites that allows u to perform your responsibilities??? chinese is not the main language in sg. malays and indians how??? they r not sg citizens isit??? only chinese take bus ah??? KKNBCCB!!! SBS, get your fucking captains to learn to speak english!!! bloody high and mighty, right??? that's the problem when it is a bloody monopoly, run by a corrupt and inept govt!!!

the guy is already a proven idiot when he said the price increase in public transport was not due to the increase in oil prices... u should have seen his fuck face on tv when he said it... damn high and mighty, like talking down to a child. they r all taking us as idiots, lemmings who will willingly do what they say.

but, dont dream of voting him out... there r a lot of idiots out there who will vote him into office. all 66.6% of them!!!

Totally in agreement with your points. As for the 66%, they are the "I don't know!" (aka blur) majority group from which all the MIWs are.


already encountered once at polyclinic..loctor from mynmar and england very powerful..cant understand half the words he said and to be frank he tried not to say too much too...then how to be loctor?

Sinkies are stupid, greedy, stingy people who refuse to hire Sinkies and hire FTs who dun know wtf they are doing.

Have you seen a thread I started earlier "Lor Mee Stall FT Don't Know What Lor Mee is! (Must explain Ru Mian)?"

Half the people who reply to that thread say that this is because Sinkies don't want work in food service stall, so must import ultra-cheap FT to bring down the wages that result in Sinkies not wanting to work in food service.

You see this vicious cycle logic repeated everywhere. Now your bus and taxi driver also dont know wtf they are doing.

We are going to get 1000 FT doctors too! Yay, in future when you go polyclinic for examination, better brush up on your Tagalog, Mandarin and Bengali. Or else you kenna wrong medicine, hehheh!

This is a result of Sinkies refusing to hire Sinkies and insisting in hiring people at Bangladesh-level wages.


Totally in agreement with your points. As for the 66%, they are the "I don't know!" (aka blur) majority group from which all the MIWs are.

this majority group is killing the country!!!:mad:

we need to focus, vote them out.

forget about educating the public. when election time comes, they will be distributing miserable bits of money (our money!!!), cook up some perceived threat or telling us that the opposition r not worthy enough. shouldnt the real question be "r they worthy in the first place???":rolleyes: