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Bullet lodged in man's brain for 23 years


Ranmaru Mori


Bullet lodged in man's brain for 23 years

Doctors have finally discovered why Wang Tianqing has been suffering from epilepsy for more than two decades.

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This X-ray shows the bullet lodged in the patient's head. It had been there since 1988.

By Myles Burke 12:08PM BST 22 Apr 2011

A two-centimetre rusted bullet, embedded in the head of a farmer for 23 years, has been removed at a local hospital.

In 1988 Wang Tianqing, who lives in Zhangjiakouin city in northern China's Hebei province, was knocked unconscious on his way home by a blow to the head.

"I thought I'd been hit by a slingshot," said Wang. "I saw a man standing on a hill and thought he'd hit me."

He woke up in a hospital bed, was given anti-inflammatory drugs by the doctors and sent home.

Shortly afterwards he started having epileptic seizures which grew progressively worse over the next two decades.

On a return trip to the hospital for treatment for his convulsions, the bullet was spotted on his CAT scan.

Wang Zhiming, an attending surgeon from Neurosurgical Oncology department, said that the survival rate for being shot in the head would usually be one out of several thousand, but the bullet missed his brain's main veins and not injured his brainstem.



New Member
This is a miracle. for someone to be walking around with a bullet in the head for 23 years!!
head shots from statistics usually have no survivors and this man did? wow!!


This is a miracle. for someone to be walking around with a bullet in the head for 23 years!!
head shots from statistics usually have no survivors and this man did? wow!!

We have a similar case here in Singkieland too...... in the early 80's during a shootout at the Morningside Hotel along River Valley....... young police constable Chong Choo Ha was shot in the head....... the bullet was lodged inside the head and the doctors decided it was too risky to remove it and left it inside........ he has been living with the bullet inside his head for the past 30 years and was none the worse for it........ he was still able to serve in the police force and is now a DSP. :p