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Posted on 20 Mar 2010
Auntie always pushes her way to good spot near MRT door and sits there with stool
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Fa is annoyed with this commuter who always pushes her way to a good spot near the MRT door without thinking about others around.
In an email to STOMP today (Mar 19), the STOMPer says:
"At least once a week, I bump into this woman who will carry a big carrier bag.
"Her journey starts from Jurong East MRT to Raffles Place in the morning and vice versa in the evening.
"What disturbs me is that she will purposely push her way to a good spot near to any corner of the MRT door without thinking about others around.
"She will take her small stool out from her bag and sit there.
"She will also hang her stuff using a plastic holder at a holding bar.
"I understand that she may be having some leg problems and do not wish to get sympathy from other passengers to give up their seat, however, she should be considerate when the train is very packed by not doing her normal stunt."
Keywords: block seat
Auntie always pushes her way to good spot near MRT door and sits there with stool
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Fa is annoyed with this commuter who always pushes her way to a good spot near the MRT door without thinking about others around.
In an email to STOMP today (Mar 19), the STOMPer says:
"At least once a week, I bump into this woman who will carry a big carrier bag.
"Her journey starts from Jurong East MRT to Raffles Place in the morning and vice versa in the evening.
"What disturbs me is that she will purposely push her way to a good spot near to any corner of the MRT door without thinking about others around.
"She will take her small stool out from her bag and sit there.
"She will also hang her stuff using a plastic holder at a holding bar.
"I understand that she may be having some leg problems and do not wish to get sympathy from other passengers to give up their seat, however, she should be considerate when the train is very packed by not doing her normal stunt."
Keywords: block seat