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Breaking : Muhyiddin has challenged Prime Minister-elect Anwar to prove his legitimacy via vote of confidence when the Dewan Rakyat commences


Tiagong Moo stole too much money from Covid budget during his brief tenure as PM. Also Tiagong during this latest Jiuhoo erection, PN and PAS candidate each got a war chest of 20m ringgit. Where did all his money come from?

Die die Moo wants to be PM to protect himself from investigation :biggrin:

syed putra

Tiagong Moo stole too much money from Covid budget during his brief tenure as PM. Also Tiagong during this latest Jiuhoo erection, PN and PAS candidate each got a war chest of 20m ringgit. Where did all his money come from?

Die die Moo wants to be PM to protect himself from investigation :biggrin:
Its too late. Muhyiddin was a dirty bastard since he was chief minister of johore with his land grab antics using state apparatus to acquire private property. Stamford was a victim of this scam.


Its too late. Muhyiddin was a dirty bastard since he was chief minister of johore with his land grab antics using state apparatus to acquire private property. Stamford was a victim of this scam.
Eh... you also know about this case.


Jipkor steady , how he can tweet :biggrin: ?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Isn't this trouble maker a good friend of LHL who visited him in hospital.?

Your Friends Reflect Who You Are?​



Alfrescian (Inf)
anwar shud bware of tis burger ...

he has a glittering record of bringing down pm ... ah badawi, ah jib, ah mahathir ... all dieded in his hand ...



Anwar to test majority in Parliament​

Samuel Chua
November 24, 2022 9:44 PM
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The vote of confidence is the first item on the agenda when Parliament convenes on Dec 19, says Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. (Bernama pic)

KAJANG: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says he will test his majority in Parliament through a vote of confidence.

At a press conference, Anwar said the vote of confidence is the first item on the agenda when Parliament convenes on Dec 19.

“In another month or so, we will table a revised budget,” he said.



syed putra

Eh... you also know about this case.
Many more cases recently under jibkor as pM.muhyoddin spent billions on school 4G network which is not utilised till this day. National feedlot centre to produxe local beef given to wanita umno chief family in what looks like vote buying contract in umno party elections.also failed. But that costs onky a few hundred million. All in RM.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Muhyddin is a fucking hypocrite. When he was named PM after Sheraton Move, did he have the balls to call parliament to test the numbers despite the numerous calls then? He even earned the moniker -Backdoor PM.

Now he is pot calling kettle black?


It's not going to be smooth sailing for Anwar. Let's see who are his cabinet members and what will be his 2023 Budget. If he wants to please the lower income, those subsidies will have to remain and the country's reserve will suffer. If he removes (even partially) those subsidies, the lower income will feel being cheated. It's a tough job.

Robert Half

Muhyddin is a fucking hypocrite. When he was named PM after Sheraton Move, did he have the balls to call parliament to test the numbers despite the numerous calls then? He even earned the moniker -Backdoor PM.

Now he is pot calling kettle black?

It’s much more respectable to be called an unity government than a backdoor government :thumbsdown:

Anwar got a very warm reception yesterday than Muhyiddin 2 years ago :rolleyes: