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breaking huat ah!!! WeChat is banned!!! shiok shiok! got short tencent shares?


Photographer: Justin Chin/Bloomberg
Tencent Loses $46 Billion as WeChat Ban Rocks China Markets
Jeanny Yu
Zheping Huang
August 7, 2020, 10:55 AM GMT+8Updated on August 7, 2020, 1:05 PM GMT+8
  • Tech company behind the WeChat app plunges the most since 2011
  • U.S. is extending campaign to curb Chinese technology firms

The Trump administration’s move to ban U.S. residents from doing business with Tencent Holdings Ltd.’s WeChat app rippled through Chinese markets, erasing $46 billion from the Internet giant’s market value and sending the yuan to its biggest slump in two weeks.

The U.S. president’s executive order fueled concern that the deteriorating U.S.-China relationship will weigh on companies, economies and markets. Confusion over the scope of the order led to volatile trading on Friday, with Tencent plunging more than 10% before paring its loss to 6.8% at the midday break. A U.S. official later clarified the ban will only cover WeChat.

China’s largest gaming and social media company cratered after the vaguely worded executive order raised concerns a ban could hammer not just the use of WeChat and WeChat Pay in the U.S. but extend to business relationships with some of America’s largest corporations. The world’s biggest games publisher by revenue in 2019, according to Newzoo data, it collaborates with U.S. industry leaders like Activision Blizzard Inc. and Electronics Arts Inc. It also holds a large stake in Fortnite maker Epic Games Inc. and owns League of Legends developer Riot Games Inc.

Before Friday’s drop Tencent was worth $686 billion, making it the world’s eighth-largest company by market capitalization and bigger than Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Its huge size means it occupies a dominant position on global indexes. The firm accounts for more than 6% of MSCI Inc.’s developing nation gauge and 4% of its Asian Pacific measure.

Tencent shares plunge after Trump moves to ban its WeChat messaging app

Trump’s order on WeChat came after a similar injunction against ByteDance Ltd.’s TikTok, the viral video service the White House accuses of jeopardizing national security. But Tencent is at the heart of communications between people and businesses within China and abroad, as the operator of WeChat.
“The U.S. government is expected to follow up with more measures targeting Tencent,” said Steven Leung, executive director at UOB Kay Hian (Hong Kong) Ltd. “Tencent’s overseas expansion map now looks a bit uncertain, since some M&A deals, especially if its targets are based in the U.S., will face challenges.”
(Updates with Tencent’s business from the third paragraph)


song song
now i see tiongcock ban what americunt things
fight ah fight
covid so boring
better fight and we all can eat popcorn and watch drama
hoot ah!


Old Fart
I want to see this chink fucker kena burned!

The world’s hottest stock is a money-losing tech giant soaring 880%

Bloomberg 6 August 2020

By Yoolim Lee

(Bloomberg) -- It gets far less attention than Tesla, the FAANGs or even the Robinhood flavour of the week.

Yet Sea Ltd. has quietly become the world’s best-performing large-cap stock, stoking a debate on Wall Street over whether the Singapore-based gaming, e-commerce and payments company is the next great internet colossus or just Exhibit A in a global tech bubble that’s destined to burst.

For now at least, bulls have the upper hand. Swelling optimism that loss-making Sea may one day become both the Tencent and Alibaba of Southeast Asia has boosted its New York-listed shares by more than 880% in the past 18 months, the largest gain worldwide among companies with a starting market value of at least $1 billion. Short sellers who placed record wagers against the stock in June are retreating at an unprecedented pace.

If Sea Chief Executive Officer Forrest Li is paying attention to any of this, he’s not letting on. The 42-year-old billionaire said in a video interview that he’s been working seven-day weeks in the office since April, leading his company through what may be its most pivotal year. Demand for Sea’s mobile games and online-shopping platform has surged during the pandemic, and the company is bidding on a Singapore digital-banking license to accelerate its push into financial services. Li is also looking for potential acquisitions in gaming, logistics and e-commerce.

“We don’t like to think too much about our success or how we got here,” he said when asked about Sea’s stock price. “It doesn’t matter if the environment is good or bad. It doesn’t change a company or a person.”

Even by the standards of today’s tech boom, Li’s ascent has been remarkable. Born in the Chinese port city of Tianjin, he worked for the local units of Motorola Solutions Inc. and Corning Inc. before enrolling in Stanford’s MBA program. He founded Sea, then known as Garena, in 2009 and took it public with backing from Tencent in 2017.

After a rocky first year of trading, Sea’s stock has gone on to trounce everything in its class. Initially, the gains were fuelled by the runaway success of Sea’s first self-made mobile game -- a battle royale called Free Fire that has attracted as many as 80 million daily active users in more than 130 markets.

But Sea’s e-commerce and financial services units are now increasingly important pillars of the bull case. Its Shopee platform overtook Alibaba’s Lazada in the fourth quarter of 2019 to become the top e-commerce provider in Southeast Asia, according to research firm iPrice, and the business accounted for more than 40% of Sea’s revenue in 2019, up from 2.3% in 2017.

SeaMoney, which offers everything from e-wallets to micro loans, could ultimately be just as large, according to Li. “We think this is a huge business opportunity,” he said.

The soft-spoken founder has some big-name believers. Tencent still owns about 20% of Sea, and the stock was the biggest holding as of May in Noah Blackstein’s Dynamic Power Global Growth Class fund, one of the world’s top-performing equity mutual funds of the past decade. Other prominent shareholders include Chase Coleman’s Tiger Global Management LLC and Kora Management LP, an emerging markets-focused hedge fund in New York, according to regulatory filings as of March.

Kora began investing in Sea in early 2018 after meeting with Li, Daniel Jacobs, the hedge fund’s founding partner, said in an interview. “We’ve seen over the last two years a company that’s got a great team and great products going after a big market and just executing incredibly well,” he said. “We think this is a mini Tencent and has the ability to be a really successful, large company in a global context.”

Sea has already claimed the title of biggest company in Southeast Asia after its market value swelled to US$65 billion, topping DBS Group Holdings Ltd. and PT Bank Central Asia for the first time earlier this year. Revenue has also grown quickly, jumping 163% to US$2.2 billion in 2019, though it’s still just a fraction of DBS’s $11 billion.

As for Sea’s US$1.46 billion net loss last year? Jacobs isn’t bothered by it. “They are thoughtful and prudent about building a business,” he said. “We are very much of the view that the company has all this under control.”



Alfrescian (Inf)
All the Chinese or Chinese-related tech companies will be kaput: Tiktok (Bytedance), Wechat (Tencent), Baidu (China's Google clone), Zoom.

HKD will become worthless, then followed by the RMB. Hungry ghost month's hell notes will be more valuable. :cool:


Price quite reasonable. Very nearby. Most Supermart also have halal products lah.
really? I think their fresh section is better that's all. other than that, they stock up more sku so got more choices. maybe because they charge no or lower listing fees, so manufacturers put more skus into their shelves.


Alfrescian (Inf)
really? I think their fresh section is better that's all. other than that, they stock up more sku so got more choices. maybe because they charge no or lower listing fees, so manufacturers put more skus into their shelves.

Most important is very nearby. We shopped once or twice a mth. So quite a load. Price wise plus minus. Fresh stuff normally fm wet mkt.