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BREAKING: HBO claims to reveal Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity

Byebye Penis



Byebye Penis

Intriguingly, as the date for the airing of the documentary has drawn near, a number of high-value wallets from the “Satoshi era” have become active for the first time since 2009.

According to Bitcoin Magazine, around 250 bitcoins — worth approximately $15 million at Thursday's bitcoin rate of $60,754 to the dollar — were drained from wallets in the past two weeks. While the coins are not officially linked to wallets used by Satoshi Nakamoto, they have been dormant since the earliest days of Bitcoin, when the cryptocurrency was worth almost nothing. The wallets’ creators would certainly have been Satoshi’s earliest collaborators.


Byebye Penis



2 greatest invention by Japanese in modern history: bitcoin and QR code.

However China PRC always misled people that it was China who created QR code


I never owned bitcoin but i monitored trading of bitcoins for a few years.

before the bitcoins ETFs were launched, >70% of the transactions involve chinese buyer or sellers.

So how could china create bitcoin to enable wealth to be freely transfered out of china?
Thru over-the-counter transaction at oversea to bypass China official financial control

Leemember, there was a big shot sir tio robbed in his GCB by some JHKs , they took his HDD that contain a offline cypto wallet anf liquudate his cypto holding


I never owned bitcoin but i monitored trading of bitcoins for a few years.

before the bitcoins ETFs were launched, >70% of the transactions involved either chinese buyer or sellers.

So how could china create bitcoin to enable wealth to be freely transfered out of china?
U see where are the Tiongkok Billionaires hidding now loh


Satoshi Nakamoto is just a fictional character created by the Jews. The real people behind cryptocurrency is the Jews.

If most people knew or can comprehend that cryptocurrency is invented by the Jews, sheeple will likely to stay away from it.

It is also not a secret that the Jews were behind many fictional characters in the history

Because it is the Jews who rewrite the history books