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BRCA genes that cause breast and other hormone related cancers also cause stomach cancer




May you get brca caused pancreatic cancer and die in months Pui!
And @Houri Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT you should apply what you said not happy I post hormone cancers - btw that includes prostate cancer - go complain to forum owner and ask him to fire me. That’s what you despicable dogs are good at stir shit create issue out of no issue Pui!


And @Houri Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT you should apply what you said not happy I post hormone cancers - btw that includes prostate cancer - go complain to forum owner and ask him to fire me. That’s what you despicable dogs are good at stir shit create issue out of no issue Pui!
And pancreatic cancer is hormone related cancer too. Insulin not Hormone meh?