While the FAPee TRAITORS are actively sabotaging their own citizens for the sake of perpetuating 1 Familee rule. Donch u feel like hanging these BASTARDS?
You have to realise that the Japs and the Koreans are genetically superior to the Southern China peasant stock that make up the majority of the ethnic Chinese Singaporean population.
That's the reason why they can be successful nations without having to resort to imports.
Singaporeans have to be realistic and realise where they stand in the order of things. Accepting the hard truth is tough but necessary to avoid ongoing frustration and unproductive comparisons with other (superior) gene pools.
It is not the genes of citizens to blame. It is the hakka regime that have stifled its citizens.
You have to realise that the Japs and the Koreans are genetically superior to the Southern China peasant stock that make up the majority of the ethnic Chinese Singaporean population.
That's the reason why they can be successful nations without having to resort to imports.
Singaporeans have to be realistic and realise where they stand in the order of things. Accepting the hard truth is tough but necessary to avoid ongoing frustration and unproductive comparisons with other (superior) gene pools.
Japs were from Chinese from Shanghai so they are in fact Shanghainese. Don't bother to verify with the Japs because nothing is recorded in their history books, just like what they did in WW2.
The poor Koreans only purpose in life is to beat the Japs.
You have to realise that the Japs and the Koreans are genetically superior to the Southern China peasant stock that make up the majority of the ethnic Chinese Singaporean population.
You have to realise that the Japs and the Koreans are genetically superior to the Southern China peasant stock that make up the majority of the ethnic Chinese Singaporean population.
That's the reason why they can be successful nations without having to resort to imports.
Singaporeans have to be realistic and realise where they stand in the order of things. Accepting the hard truth is tough but necessary to avoid ongoing frustration and unproductive comparisons with other (superior) gene pools.[/QUOT
How many malay are there in singapore football team? How many inferior chinese peasant in singapore singapore football team?
Do you think we paid 10 Billion to argentina or Brazil and let them wear singapore jersey. Will they come? They will not because no respected player will be here to use as a political tools.... See the smiling LBW beside table tennis player... ( see how smart we are (PAP). we win silver)
During the kwa kim song and dolla kasim time. Why the goverment step away and they play well? Have you been monitering the local soccer or malaysia socceer scene. How much do you know about soccer?
I think you better stick to your "Advise and Advice" lah...
Where is your famous quote about Lee Kuan Yew stating that there is no beggards in Singapore? Disappear?
Are you pay by the PAP or PAP fund you to but over this site?
You're absolutely right. The Japs and Koreans are hardly pedigree stock. However, they're still superior compared to Southern Chinese peasant gene pool who are pretty much the bottom of the heap.