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Boss John, u can treat your future-in-law to a super bug feast at House of Seafood, leemember to post on FB :)



SINGAPORE, July 8 — The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) today approved 16 insect species for human consumption.

The insects include crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, mealworms and silkworms.

Industry players hailed the decision, which took almost two years, the Straits Times reported today.

A feast for the adventurous

The House of Seafood chain is leading the charge, crafting a menu featuring 30 insect-infused creations.


Diners can expect to see superworms, crickets, and silkworm pupae taking centre stage, alongside classic favourites like salted egg crab.

The restaurant’s chief executive officer Francis Ng is confident these new options will be a hit, especially with younger customers who crave culinary adventure.

“Many of our customers, especially young people who are under 30 years old, are very daring. They want to be able to see the whole insect in the dish. So I’m giving them many options to choose from,” ST reported him as saying.

He predicts a 30 per cent revenue boost thanks to his insect-based offerings, adding that prior to the approval, his restaurant had been getting five to six calls a day asking about its insect-based dishes and when customers could start ordering them.


THis is definite something new for the upcoming NDP Boss John Grassroot Yum Sheng party menu
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SINGAPORE, July 8 — The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) today approved 16 insect species for human consumption.

The insects include crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, mealworms and silkworms.

Industry players hailed the decision, which took almost two years, the Straits Times reported today.

A feast for the adventurous

The House of Seafood chain is leading the charge, crafting a menu featuring 30 insect-infused creations.
house of seafood will be number one on my banned list. Karma will come back and fuck their children


Prawns are considered by the Scientific field as cockroaches. They are scavengers & will feed on anything to survive & thru their sentient inherent digestive system, produces necessary proteins & are fed upon by other sea creatures as a food resource.

No one, none ever complains about eating prawns which are digested in huge quantities by Humankind & kids since Humanity began, even today. It's only one's mindset, towards survival....& for sure, a prawn when cooked, white & red akin to even chicken, looks more delectable than a frightening looking cockroach to some....thus be glad that cockroaches are not on the list....

Ultimately, NO germs, pathogens or virus, associated with food source, will be able to SURVIVE high temperatures when properly cooked, & thus safe to eat.

It WILL be the SHELTERED, knowledgeable & the adventurous in Singapore young or old, that will attempt to try out this food, a common protein food source for many that had allowed them to survive in other parts of our shared World.

Perhaps, as a psychological assistance, may such food resource served be limited, & citizens ONLY partake in such exotic cuisines WITHIN established restaurants whom are credited with food HYGIENE & PREPARATION.

Avoid, do avoid ANY
coffeeshop, hawker stalls or even supermarkets or advertising campaigns that push too hard, in attempt to sell such food resource openly, as it WILL only turn off customers. It may result in some going hungry than to have such food source in their meals, & that's not our National goal that leaves none behind.

It will take at least a generation or two of SHELTERED Singaporeans to accept changes, for survival in an unknown & unpredictable World where changes are the only constants in life's journey ....
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Prawns are considered by the Scientific field as cockroaches. They are scavengers & will feed on anything to survive & thru their sentient inherent digestive system, produces necessary proteins & are fed upon by other sea creatures as a food resource.

No one, none ever complains about eating prawns which are digested in huge quantities by Humankind & kids since Humanity began, even today. It's only one's mindset, towards survival....& for sure, a prawn when cooked, white & red akin to even chicken, looks more delectable than a frightening looking cockroach to some....thus be glad that cockroaches are not on the list....

Ultimately, NO germs, pathogens or virus, associated with food source, will be able to SURVIVE high temperatures when properly cooked, & thus safe to eat.

It WILL be the SHELTERED, knowledgeable & the adventurous in Singapore young or old, that will attempt to try out this food, a common protein food source for many that had allowed them to survive in other parts of our shared World.

Perhaps, as a psychological assistance, may such food resource served be limited, & citizens ONLY partake in such exotic cuisines WITHIN established restaurants whom are credited with food HYGIENE & PREPARATION.

Avoid, do avoid ANY
coffeeshop, hawker stalls or even supermarkets or advertising campaigns that push too hard, in attempt to sell such food resource openly, as it WILL only turn off customers. It may result in some going hungry than to have such food source in their meals, & that's not our National goal that leaves none behind.

It will take at least a generation or two of SHELTERED Singaporeans to accept changes, for survival in an unknown & unpredictable World where changes are the only constants in life's journey ....
Boss John can spearhead SG effort to jiak:smile:


Boss John can spearhead SG effort to jiak:smile:

LEADERSHIP must be led by example. more so in times of need.

However, is our country in need to resort to such food resource? NO, at least not yet...

As mentioned, it will often be the adventurous whom will desire to taste such exotic cuisine, perhaps out of curiosity, or the worst Human trait - out of ego to prove oneself low self esteem, to prove oneself of being better than others.

Leadership is to leave no one behind as best as possible. As such food resource is proven to be safe & a segment of our population & even foreigners living within our international city may desire such foods, there is no harm in allowing such food resource in our Democratic Nation.

Thus, there is NO NEED to foolishly prove one's pride or ego to satisfy another. Each HAS Free Will & choice. Adaptation to exotic foods will take time, & none will be forced upon. Make NO mistake - There is NO National mandate that says each must each insects today.

May boss Mr John Tan enjoy his meals with friends with whatever foods they enjoy & give a figurative center finger to anyone whom DEMANDS that he be robbed of his free will & choice.