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Boss Ben Fish Soup "Relocated" from Tao Payoh to Chai Chee only 9mth..spend 800k to setup, kym Boss John?



“We Relocated, Not Closed”: Ben Yeo Clarifies Reports That He Shut Toa Payoh Fish Soup Stall 9 Months After Opening​

The stall specialises in KL-style cloudy fish soup, and is a spinoff of Ben’s zi char joint Charcoal Fish Head Steamboat Restaurant.
Yip Jieying
Yip Jieying
04 Jul 2024 at 21:00
Tan Xiang Fish SoupBen Yeocharcoal fish head steamboat “We Relocated, Not Closed”: Ben Yeo Clarifies Reports That He Shut Toa Payoh Fish Soup Stall 9 Months After Opening

A Facebook post on foodie group Toa Payoh Makan Places piqued netizens’ curiosity yesterday (Jul 3), as it shared that celeb F&B boss Ben Yeo’s



We relocated, not closed”

While there were headlines about the stall’s closure, Ben tells 8days.sg that he had actually “relocated, not closed” his fish soup joint last month, moving the operations from Toa Payoh to another coffeeshop called Tan Xiang Chai Chee in Bedok that is wholly operated by him and his four business partners.

Previously, he had closed his izakaya stall SG Umami and Korean fusion lok lok stall Geon Bae in Kallang, citing a struggle to “maintain consistency” in food quality. Ben then shifted his focus to Tan Xiang Chai Chee, which cost $800k to set up and boasts fancy $80k toilets that come with Dyson hand dryers, air-con and faux gold sinks.

Scrooball (clone)

Very soon he will say he has diversified his interests beyond food and that's that. Then he will say plans are in motion and please stay tuned. The usual PR spin and vomit inducing rhetoric.

Scrooball (clone)

Fact: He is dead
Ben Yeo might say: His heart is not beating.

Fact: This is red.
Ben Yeo might say: This is not blue.

Fact: She is fat.
Ben Yeo might say: She is horizontally challenged.


My friend in organic plant business also do business with him. Everything to do with him are high class one that's why setup cost need $800k