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Blackie Lanjiao pee in pubic, guess the race.


Don't cry discrimination when it's you who behave like pariah dog.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Let's have the road outside the Istana as the designated shitting street. Tourists will love it.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

To a Bible-history buff like myself, this is exciting as I have already completed research on the history of all genetic information for all types of people, different colors, sizes, eye shapes, nose shapes, curly or straight hair, blond, dark, ginger etc. so that, all types were covered. During such research I found out Mr. Goh Chok Tong was not Chinese but my biological uncle. My dad and Mr GCT were blood brothers. He can NOT lie Singaporeans any longer as DNA test would reveal the truth as we are sharing a common ancestral Y Chromosome.

If Adam and Eve were fairer and beautifully made, how did Blacks come into this world??

In the Book of Genesis (Bible), Adam and Eve were our ancestors, and they were made perfect. They were not evolved from monkeys as some stupid folks think. There is evidence that Hebrew was the original language of the whole earth. Gen (11:1). In Gen 6, we learnt that Satan, raped and had sex with the "daughters of men", then the giants were born before and after Noah's flood. That is when black gene (corruption) entered to into the human race. So, black's genes are linked to Satan aka Lucifer biologically. When Nimrod, a black giant built a Babel Towel just for himself selfishly, God Himself came down to halt the MONOPOLY as the world must be shared by all equally. The construction of tower was halted when they quarreled to each other as God gave them ability to speak different tongues and languages and God chased them out to scatter all over the world to fill in.

The Difference Between Race and Ethnicity
Defining our identity is not an easy task. Many people would not be able to find a simple answer to this. Some would go ahead and pick their profession, while others would speak of their skin color or nationality. This draws other things into the equation, such as religion and language. All of those things interact with each other to create our identities. However, one could argue that race and ethnicity play an extremely large and powerful role. These terms are often used interchangeably, mostly when we are describing the diversity in our society. It is actually not that hard to separate the two terms. Race is defined by mostly physical attributes; however, it also mixes in some cultural and behavioral attributes as well. On the other hand, ethnicity refers to a state of belonging to a specific culture, mostly different social groups, or even nations. Race is something that is in our biology, and ethnicity is something we acquire through life.

African Americans/ blacks/ Negros in USA
During my early days when I used in live in NJ, USA, i got to know all races such as Whites, Jews, Hispanic, Italians, French, Asians, Mexicans, Arabs and Africans. Many folks could not differentiate. But I was as able to recognize them as I hang out with them when they invite me to their parties. I visited all the parties irrespective of race, sex, age etc. One day some of my African friends invited for a BBQ party with red wine. I enjoyed the RED wine. I have hard time accepting their BBQ as it was half cooked beef, i guess. they were eating almost raw meat. I smelled it, i could smell the uncooked meat. I even puked and vomited due to food poison. Another time I had a similar experience with another black group as well. I learnt a great lesson even though it is nothing to do with racism. From that on wards until today I will thank if any black invite me but give 'em excuses to avoid such parties. But I learnt that most of Chinese always hanged out with those black guys. Even Singaporean girls who does not like blacks in SG, sleeping with blacks in USA. I did some research on it, those Chinese are predominantly from CCP, Singaporeans or Malaysian Chinese migrated to USA or western countries fall prey to these blacks. No wonder I also understood why blacks are flooding to SG, they are all targeting boys and men (Chinese) to fcuk from behind What a tragedy. SG ICA does not care for its Citizens being fucked on their asses. Even Singapore boys paying them for getting fucked. No wonder 377A was repealed

Since blacks are Satan's gene associated with it, Satan made black lives matters, black first, black leadership, black to be celebrated in pop and music, black to be celebrities in sports etc. After I send Satan to bottomless pit, there will be no blacks in SG. I will send them including (SG gays) back to where they belong. as SG started stinking already

More to come...
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Alfrescian (Inf)
To a Bible-history buff like myself, this is exciting as I have already completed research on the history of all genetic information for all types of people, different colors, sizes, eye shapes, nose shapes, curly or straight hair, blond, dark, ginger etc. so that, all types were covered. During such research I found out Mr. Goh Chok Tong was not Chinese but my biological uncle. My dad and Mr GCT were blood brothers. He can NOT lie Singaporeans any longer as DNA test would reveal the truth as we are sharing a common ancestral Y Chromosome.

If Adam and Eve were fairer and beautifully made, how did Blacks come into this world??

In the Book of Genesis (Bible), Adam and Eve were our ancestors, and they were made perfect. They were not evolved from monkeys as some stupid folks think. There is evidence that Hebrew was the original language of the whole earth. Gen (11:1). In Gen 6, we learnt that Satan, raped and had sex with the "daughters of men", then the giants were born before and after Noah's flood. That is when black gene (corruption) entered to into the human race. So, black's genes are linked to Satan aka Lucifer biologically. When Nimrod, a black giant built a Babel Towel just for himself selfishly, God Himself came down to halt the MONOPOLY as the world must be shared by all equally. The construction of tower was halted when they quarreled to each other as God gave them ability to speak
different tongues and languages and God chased them out to scatter all over the world to fill in.

The Difference Between Race and Ethnicity
Defining our identity is not an easy task. Many people would not be able to find a simple answer to this. Some would go ahead and pick their profession, while others would speak of their skin color or nationality. This draws other things into the equation, such as religion and language. All of those things interact with each other to create our identities. However, one could argue that race and ethnicity play an extremely large and powerful role. These terms are often used interchangeably, mostly when we are describing the diversity in our society. It is actually not that hard to separate the two terms. Race is defined by mostly physical attributes; however, it also mixes in some cultural and behavioral attributes as well. On the other hand, ethnicity refers to a state of belonging to a specific culture, mostly different social groups, or even nations. Race is something that is in our biology, and ethnicity is something we acquire through life.

African Americans/ blacks/ Negros in USA
During my early days when I used in live in NJ, USA, i got to know all races such as Whites, Jews, Hispanic, Italians, Frech, Asians, Mexicans, Arabs and Africans. Many folks could not differentiate. But I was as able to recognize them as I hang out with them when they invite me to their parties. I visited all the parties irrespective of race, sex, age etc. One day some of my African friends invited for a BBQ party with red wine. I enjoyed the RED wine . I have hard time accepting their BBQ as it was half cooked beef, i guess. they were eating almost raw meat. I smelled it, i could smell the uncooked meat. I had a hard time there as I puked and vomited. Another time I had a similar experience with another black group as well. I learnt a great lesson even though it is nothing to do with racism. From that on wards until today I will thank if any black invite me but give 'em excuses to avoid such parties. But I learnt that most of Chinese always hanged out with those black guys. Even Singaporean girls who does not like blacks in SG, sleeping with blacks in USA. I did some research on it, those Chinese are predominantly from CCP. If a Singaporean or Malaysian Chinese migrated to USA or western countries fall prey to these blacks. No wonder I also understood why blacks are flooding to SG, they are all targeting boys and men (Chinese) to fcuk from behind What a tragedy. SG ICA does not care for its Citizens being fucked on their asses. Even Singapore boys paying them for getting fucked. No wonder 377A was repealed

Since blacks are satan's gene associated with it, Satan made black lives matters, black first, black leadership, black to be celebrates in pop and music, black to be celebrities in sports etc. After I send Satan to bottomless pit, there will be no blacks in SG. I will send them including (SG gays) back to where they belong.

More to come...
林北 very impressed with your knowledge in anthropology from a biblical perspective.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Don't cry discrimination when it's you who behave like pariah dog.

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ᗯᕼO Iᔕ ❝ᔕᗩTᗩᑎ❞ Oᖇ ❝ᗩᒪᒪ ᔕEEIᑎG EYE❞ ?

I had seen him numerous times tangibly / vocally

❶ He is about 6 feet tall, and he can enter into HUMAN BODY or any closed doors invisibly, yet you can feel his body (flesh ‘n’ bones) tangibly. If Satan stands next to me, he will look like another man (no difference). Only difference is he can be invisible to our eyes if he wanted. Angels including Satan do not have wings, but they can fly even faster than speed of light. But they will be like human beings or ordinary men in reality as several entertained angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2). For instance, within a fraction of a second he can go to Trump in USA and speak to him and come back to me in SG.

❷ His face and looks resembles the one in the picture above. As i was inspired by my Spirit to visit Loyang Tua Pek Kong located in 20 Loyang Way, Singapore 508774 and I recognized him in one of the idols there. I can substantiate this if u want to know more.

❸ He has a utter green dark skin - darker than African negros

❹ He is in total nude with no sandals in his realm (100% nude and barefooted as he lost his glory due to wickedness)

❺ He had a BIGGER protruding eye. It is all seeing eye, because he can see from here, he can see anyplace and anywhere USA or China. One day he came over me to possess me, he gave me a glimpse of KLCC and KL Sentral in a vision. It is almost like a CCTV video viewing inside. He sometimes gives me a vision of my girl next door showering or boy in the bathroom. He always tells me who is so wicked. That is how I learnt PM Lee, Lawrence Wong, Shanmugam all gays and good for nothing.

❻ He does NOT have hoofs, horns or tails - It is a deception or delusion if he shows up.

❼ He can NOT alter his appearance or his height if he persuades to sleep with him tangibly, because when he come to you tangibly, he cannot cover his own body appearance. He can only deceive mankind if he stays in his territory as spiritual being.

❽ He is a liar and father of all lies. He makes selected people to be rich and elite. He cannot to do so anymore as I have already conquered him on this part. USA or SG Economy is not in his hands anymore. He cannot promote CECA anymore

❾ His penis is exceptionally bigger than human beings (censored in the picture). Mine is uncut about 8 inches, his size is about 13 inches). INDIANS worship his Penis as god - Shiv Lingam/ Lingam. Worshipping genital of Shiva became part of BDSM. IN BDSM - the master control someone to worship his penis. Satan nis experiencing ED - Erectile Dysfunction as he cannot get his penis harder due to his greedy and lust.

❿ He is the head of all devils. Even Dragon supposed to under his leadership. But Dragon is not supporting him anymore. I will let Dragon to devour him

In the next episode I will share who Dragon is and how does he look like as I had seen him multiple times in a vision.

To be continued...

☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:☆
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

In this episode I will reveal about the two most outstanding and outspoken creatures with whom i had a constant war with in the spiritual realm and finally conquered them recently.


Bible says it is the “great red dragon” and is also called as "that old serpent" (Isa. 27:1; Job 41:34; Rev. 12:3-17; 20:2) and its name as Leviathan (Job 41:15).

Scientists have named the voice of Leviathan as “The Bloop”. it is ᎢᎻᎬ ᏩᎡᎬᎪᎢ ᎡᎬᎠ ᎠᎡᎪᏩᎾN

The great Dragon is gigantic, it is enormous, and it is ginormous! It has the physical stamina to bring down one third of the stars to collapse earth (Bible, Rev. 12:4).

it is about 50 meters (165 ft long) and imagine this beast is slightly smaller than a Singapore MRT Circle Line which is 70m long and it is bigger than Blue Whales but capable of flying in the past.

It is not an ordinary snake as you may think. It is demonic with a spirit body of a serpent and is TANGIBLE. Being a demon, It was capable of flying and capable of speaking. After it deceived Adam & Eve, it was cursed by God and so he lost its ability to fly. Because of his magnificent size and its shame as lost its ability to fly, it went hiding under oceans

Though i had seen this serpent in a vision on multiple occasions, i heard him speaking to me through Lucifer as this serpent cannot stand before me because of my spiritual authority. -low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by NOAA, U.S.A in 1997. The sound is so loud it was heard by scientists 4500 kms apart (Ps: Blue Whales sound is only audible for 1500kms)


Singaporeans generally dance like lion and dragon as mythical, powerful, and auspicious creatures during Chinese New Year and other important events. They are Satan (Lucifer) and serpent (Leviathan, the red dragon) that deceived Adam & Eve. Though it was hiding under waters, Satan can talk to him from my body. Satan can communicate with dragon. from anywhere. It is similar to the deceased men in Hell can hold conversations to the men in Heaven until resurrectio9n and judgement day. Until then, they will be incarcerated in Hell. Dead folks cannot come to earth. If you believe in ghost month, those spirits are satanic spirits not the dead man. Satan and demons can appear as deceased man. If anyone see any deceased men in vison or dream, it is Satan or demon.


Dragon is so furious on Satan as he does not like him. Even war between China and USA is because Dragon and Lion are divided among themselves. SG Government PAP likes both Lion and Dragon. Chinese government believes in Dragon. India likes Lion as lord shiva is Lion in Bible. As Lion and Dragon are fighting, Satan is still supporting Indian and USA. Lion and Dragon both give up on PM Lee and PAP. I got the authority to send both of them to prison compartments located in the Hell underground beneath our earth in due time.

More truths to come

☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:☆


  • Dragon (2).jpg
    Dragon (2).jpg
    225.1 KB · Views: 36

Singapore Dancing Spirit


He once had a strong body as shown in the picture, but now, he lost all his strength and stamina.
But you can relate this FACE when you see him in person.


  • Lucifer.jpg
    125.1 KB · Views: 41


In this episode I will reveal about the two most outstanding and outspoken creatures with whom i had a constant war with in the spiritual realm and finally conquered them recently.


Bible says it is the “great red dragon” and is also called as "that old serpent" (Isa. 27:1; Job 41:34; Rev. 12:3-17; 20:2) and its name as Leviathan (Job 41:15).

Scientists have named the voice of Leviathan as “The Bloop”. it is ᎢᎻᎬ ᏩᎡᎬᎪᎢ ᎡᎬᎠ ᎠᎡᎪᏩᎾN

The great Dragon is gigantic, it is enormous, and it is ginormous! It has the physical stamina to bring down one third of the stars to collapse earth (Bible, Rev. 12:4).

it is about 50 meters (165 ft long) and imagine this beast is slightly smaller than a Singapore MRT Circle Line which is 70m long and it is bigger than Blue Whales but capable of flying in the past.

It is not an ordinary snake as you may think. It is demonic with a spirit body of a serpent and is TANGIBLE. Being a demon, It was capable of flying and capable of speaking. After it deceived Adam & Eve, it was cursed by God and so he lost its ability to fly. Because of his magnificent size and its shame as lost its ability to fly, it went hiding under oceans

Though i had seen this serpent in a vision on multiple occasions, i heard him speaking to me through Lucifer as this serpent cannot stand before me because of my spiritual authority. -low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by NOAA, U.S.A in 1997. The sound is so loud it was heard by scientists 4500 kms apart (Ps: Blue Whales sound is only audible for 1500kms)


Singaporeans generally dance like lion and dragon as mythical, powerful, and auspicious creatures during Chinese New Year and other important events. They are Satan (Lucifer) and serpent (Leviathan, the red dragon) that deceived Adam & Eve. Though it was hiding under waters, Satan can talk to him from my body. Satan can communicate with dragon. from anywhere. It is similar to the deceased men in Hell can hold conversations to the men in Heaven until resurrectio9n and judgement day. Until then, they will be incarcerated in Hell. Dead folks cannot come to earth. If you believe in ghost month, those spirits are satanic spirits not the dead man. Satan and demons can appear as deceased man. If anyone see any deceased men in vison or dream, it is Satan or demon.


Dragon is so furious on Satan as he does not like him. Even war between China and USA is because Dragon and Lion are divided among themselves. SG Government PAP likes both Lion and Dragon. Chinese government believes in Dragon. India likes Lion as lord shiva is Lion in Bible. As Lion and Dragon are fighting, Satan is still supporting Indian and USA. Lion and Dragon both give up on PM Lee and PAP. I got the authority to send both of them to prison compartments located in the Hell underground beneath our earth in due time.

More truths to come

☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:☆
Ginfreelys cousin. Escape from imh