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Black cunt impregnated herself with used condom stolen from millionaire and won child maintenance against the father. WTF?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Never throw used condoms into the garbage bin. Even a cleaning auntie might conspire to get impregnated with your seed if she finds out about your true net worth. :unsure:

If you must throw a used condom into the garbage bin, I recommend squirting some of this inside first. :cool:



Just thinking how she actually did it. Opened her legs wide, squeeze the contents in the rubber and let it oozed into her batu cave?

syed putra

If we use syariah law, the black woman would have her cunt amputated.
In this case, its complicated, as fsther must pay for child he never planned for.
Who said blacks are stupid!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just thinking how she actually did it. Opened her legs wide, squeeze the contents in the rubber and let it oozed into her batu cave?
It's not hard. Just turn the semen-filled condom inside out, put in on a dildo and shove it up the cheebye.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Nimrod, the first GIANT whose name was recorded in the Bible, was biological son of Lucifer. He later killed his own mother's husband Cush, grand son of Noah and then married his own biological mother in INCEST.

That is how incest entered into mankind.

Nimrod son of Cush (Gen. 10:6-12; 1Chr. 1:8-10; Isa. 11:11), progenitor of various Ethiopian * and BLACK tribes that settled south of Egypt and also overran Arabia, Babylonia, and India. The folks from these nations prone to have incest. m&d also tends to habe incest because of their mixed DNA with Indians.

Blacks in general have no values as they are born of INCEST, they will do anything in real life. Nimrod and his mom and wife are being worshipped as god and goddesses in different religions.

This information is historical. scientific, genetical and Biblical.


Sounds like a stunt @ginfreely would try to pull off only to end with dried up semen in her cheap wrinkled chinatown cheebye with no pregnancy.