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Black assaulting White AMDL kym?


KNN, my retaliation in such a scenario will be to use my right arm to wrestle and arm-lock around the neck tightly and immediately use my other 2 fingers to give a hard poke into the opponent's eyes (which is the weakest and most vulnerable part on the face) to make her blind forever. Period. Once the opponent will lose her sight, she will then be at my mercy and I can then do whatever I like (kick her, punch her, etc) to her indefinitely.

I did this once a long time ago whilst having a payment dispute with the boss of a small flatted factory in Bedok Reservoir Road. If not for their workers coming to intervene the fight, I would have smashed the opponent's head directly onto the glass window of a nearby vehicle and leave him with some serious injury to his head. So, don't fuck around with me.
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