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Bitchy DB-Ass product manager/ex-SAF gunnery instructor kena whacked hard from those who knew her.


Alfrescian (Inf)



Alfrescian (Inf)
What did I say about people who give interview time to SPH/CNA propagandists? Even if it's just a random one-liner soundbite street interview.

They are ALL lanjiao langs, no exceptions.

Honorary mention: those who write to the Shitty Times forum page.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Donch pray pray with her hor. She is 30mm Bushmaster gunnery instructor. When PAPsmearer has mastered her bush, I will leeport back here, ok?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Donch pray pray with her hor. She is 30mm Bushmaster gunnery instructor. When PAPsmearer has mastered her bush, I will leeport back here, ok?
Apparently she enjoyed the "gunnery" of her superiors as well despite being engaged.... She fired as well as being fired into between her legs. :biggrin:


Donch pray pray with her hor. She is 30mm Bushmaster gunnery instructor. When PAPsmearer has mastered her bush, I will leeport back here, ok?

Always remember this: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." :wink::eek::roflmao: