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Chitchat Biggest crypto heist in history


Umm... guess the race...?

    JUN 29, 2021, 6:39 PM

JOHANNESBURG (BLOOMBERG) - The Cajee brothers, who ran a cryptocurrency investment platform from South Africa that the local regulator suspects of being a Ponzi scheme, are confounding both their family and desperate investors alike.
Ameer and Raees Cajee, the pair that operated Johannesburg-based Africrypt since 2019, appear to have vanished, along with an estimated US$3.6 billion (S$4.8 billion) in bitcoin, after telling investors the exchange had been hacked.
This would go down as the largest cryptocurrency loss in history if the money cannot be recovered, said Fortune magazine on its website.


It's crazy how these things happen, but it's also a good reminder to stay vigilant in the crypto world! By the way, have you seen this interesting article on how Tether is replacing commercial paper holdings with US Treasury bills? Check it out here: https://fintechzoom.com/fintech_new...ercial-paper-holdings-with-us-treasury-bills/ It's always good to keep ourselves informed about the latest developments in the crypto market! Stay safe out there, fellow crypto enthusiasts!
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A $3.6 billion loss is staggering, and if it proves true, this would indeed be a historical event in the crypto world. It's unsettling to think about how much risk is involved in the decentralized finance universe.
While on the subject of risk and investment, you might be interested in looking into online casinos as a less volatile option. One platform worth checking out is 바카라사이트. It covers everything from game strategies to secure online practices.
In any case, it's a reminder for all of us to exercise extreme caution when investing, whether it's in crypto, stocks, or even online casinos. Always do your research and know what you're getting into.
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