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Bigfuck angmor CEO not happy his PR application rejected. Now want to leave!

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)

CEO's Singapore PR rejected after raising $88M capital & creating 25+ jobs: 'Where to move next?'​

Alex Svanevik wrote he raised $88m capital for his company Nansen and created 25 jobs in Singapore. He added that his wife already has PR and that they have a child born in Singapore.​

Stella Dey

October 14, 2024 / 16:46 IST

Alex Svanevik, the CEO of Nansen, a prominent multichain analytics platform, announced on social media that his application for Singapore Permanent Residency (PR) has been rejected even after raising a significant amount of money and job creation in the nation.

Svanevik's tweet, which reads, "Just got my Singapore Permanent Resident application rejected! $88m capital raised, 25+ jobs created, 1 child born. Guess it wasn’t enough. Where to move next?" underlines the stark reality faced by many entrepreneurs in Singapore. Despite his contributions to the local economy—raising substantial capital and creating jobs—his plea for residency went unanswered.

The update has sparked significant online discussion, garnering over 828,000 views, nearly 7,000 likes, and approximately 1,400 comments, highlighting the growing frustration surrounding Singapore’s immigration policies.

Commenters on the post offered varying perspectives, with one suggesting that "it matters more where you studied and the assets you own (not equity) than what you just posted." In response, Svanevik clarified his academic background, stating he holds an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, where notable figures like recent Nobel laureate Geoff Hinton conducted their PhD studies.

The discussions also touched on broader concerns regarding Singapore's immigration framework. Some commentators pointed out that the country is gradually phasing out PR benefits due to issues with long-term residency.

"The drop-off rate of PRs not setting long-term roots in Singapore is a real problem," one user noted, emphasising the nation’s pressing demographic challenges, including an aging population and declining birth rates.

Svanevik responded to these concerns, revealing his family’s intentions: "Wife is literally applying to become Singaporean (she's already PR). The point of me applying was literally to settle here long term with my family."

The response from the community has been largely sympathetic, with many acknowledging Svanevik's contributions to Singapore. "That’s a shame. Sorry to hear that. You’ve been a huge credit to Singapore, and a tireless cheerleader for it," one commenter remarked.

As Svanevik contemplates his next steps, suggestions from users have included relocating to Dubai, US, Japan and Argentina where they claim Svanevik will be welcomed, reflecting a growing trend of entrepreneurs seeking more favourable immigration conditions elsewhere.

Singapore currently has the world’s most powerful passport.

Stella Dey
Tags: #Immigration #Singapore #Startup
first published: Oct 14, 2024 04:46 pm

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Cos maybe the government knew another cheat in sg

Yup. Another crypto scam startup

What does Nansen AI do?

Nansen is a blockchain analytics platform that enriches on-chain data with millions of wallet labels. Crypto investors use Nansen to discover opportunities, perform due diligence and defend their portfolios with our real-time dashboards and alerts.


Pr rejected , despite having a pr wife and a child and a so called good profit profile.
Even open leg sg rejected u for pr meaning this guy has a dubious background.


Lanjiao la ownself write ownself reviews size of company is SME only