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Big Pharma Exposé


The focus is on Dr Aseem Malhotra, not the host. if you have problem with the host, go and confront him.

I have long suspected of the big pharma and never see a doctor for many years since my wake up day to this. This movie or interview prove my point. My daily lifestyle is filled with organic produces and natural/organic ingredient cooking and using natural self-care products plus a relatively stress free and enjoyable lifestyle.

This enjoyable lifestyle of mine includes not listening to govt bullshit like taking the vaccine and their drugs, which leads to my happy, worried-free and enjoyable lifestyle. :smile::thumbsup:


The focus is on Dr Aseem Malhotra, not the host. if you have problem with the host, go and confront him.

I have long suspected of the big pharma and never see a doctor for many years since my wake up day to this. This movie or interview prove my point. My daily lifestyle is filled with organic produces and natural/organic ingredient cooking and using natural self-care products plus a relatively stress free and enjoyable lifestyle.

This enjoyable lifestyle of mine includes not listening to govt bullshit like taking the vaccine and their drugs, which leads to my happy, worried-free and enjoyable lifestyle. :smile::thumbsup:
TS, are you part of the shill network? Why don’t you interview that doctor instead?

Rather than asking confronting a shill?


I wish to make a note that Singapore has allow Pfizer, Moderna to build and set up their biolabs in Singapore Soil.

To those who wish to have families and have health care in Sg, be cautious of all the drugs and injections that you and your newborn and those who go for health care have to take. Do you trust the injection ingredients?

Sinkies are ball-less and ignorant type and waiting for good things to be handed out to them and do not fight for their own well-being and home. Then you WILL LOSE IT.

I fight for my own well-being and now i am enjoying my life.