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Big nose Grace Fu behaving like a bitch, an old bitch.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
she is damm fucking stupid. Even fed set and adjust interest rates depends on economy. According to her fed reserve must now set and lock in interest rates for 2023 ? Why then PAP raise bus fares and PUB changes utilities rates per quarter. Fucking Chee bye.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
She's just following a script. Direct your indignation towards the Useless Son.

Do not pay too much attention to these inconsequential 'debates' which are nothing more than distractions... the proverbial 'bread and circus' for the peasants.

Here's a moment from a previous 'debate' featuring another shameless career politician:



She's just following a script. Direct your indignation towards the Useless Son.

Do not pay too much attention to these inconsequential 'debates' which are nothing more than distractions... the proverbial 'bread and circus' for the peasants.

Here's a moment from a previous 'debate' featuring another shameless career politician:

Fuck this Vivian shit skin bastard too.


KNN ... when oppie provides info they will push push push for an answer "how will you do it" "how...." "how..." "...how". when oppie ask them how on other matters, they will back off and say "provide an answer in due time"... CCB


Alfrescian (Inf)
This honourable Minister should be fired.
I wonder how she became a Minister?
In addition, she speaks with an unpleasant accent, and unable to pronounce properly (such as three).
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It is irrelevant, but does any of you have a link to a photo of the Minister's husband, and photo? Thank you


This honourable Minister shpuld be fired.
I wonder how she became a Minister?
In addition, she speaks with an unpleasant accent, and unable to pronounce properly (such as three).

Cos the ugly slut's father is James Fu, Press Secretary to LKY.


Alfrescian (Inf)
she is damm fucking stupid. Even fed set and adjust interest rates depends on economy. According to her fed reserve must now set and lock in interest rates for 2023 ? Why then PAP raise bus fares and PUB changes utilities rates per quarter. Fucking Chee bye.
She thinks she is our economic saviour and guardian angel of our well-being. Lol