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Big Mass Lebanese protesters are heading for the U.S. Embassy, sinkieland muslims still so timid?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Grassroots leaders like myself managed to cool tensions in our local muud moslem society. The keling moslems are more radical but in ASEAN, nobody gives a shit what a keling moslem think. So yes, the situation here is fine.


Grassroots leaders like myself managed to cool tensions in our local muud moslem society. The keling moslems are more radical but in ASEAN, nobody gives a shit what a keling moslem think. So yes, the situation here is fine.

PAP through MUIS should give them a sandbox area to release their emotion for palestine, I very worry they will become gila soon.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
PAP through MUIS should give them a sandbox area to release their emotion for palestine, I very worry they will become gila soon.

The sandbox are mostly on the Jew facebook instagram app, or the CCP tiktok app. Lots of pro nazi, pro jihadist videos in circulation.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Why the mutts get so worked up when even Middle East countries don’t give a fuck ? If these hypocrites really care they should have sent their armies across Israel borders.