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Posted on 18 Apr 2010
Restaurant worker takes photos of customers, but denies it when confronted
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Darwin said a worker at this restaurant in Yishun was taking photos of him, but denied doing so when the STOMPer confronted him.
Said the STOMPer:
"While I was having my meal, I noticed a staff member was holding his handphone and snapping pictures of us.
"When he realised that I saw him snapping away, he immediately kept his handphone away and pretended to clear a table.
"I then apptoached him to ask him what picture he was taking, but he just denied it and walked away.
"I then demandeded for the manager. Two of them came only after more than 5 minutes of my waiting.
"They were so defensive of their staff and they did not even have the courtesy to apologise to us.
"The staff are mostly from China and they have the worst attitude.
"Most of the staff in the counter do not even smile.
"It's like we owe them a million dollars."
Restaurant worker takes photos of customers, but denies it when confronted
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Darwin said a worker at this restaurant in Yishun was taking photos of him, but denied doing so when the STOMPer confronted him.
Said the STOMPer:
"While I was having my meal, I noticed a staff member was holding his handphone and snapping pictures of us.
"When he realised that I saw him snapping away, he immediately kept his handphone away and pretended to clear a table.
"I then apptoached him to ask him what picture he was taking, but he just denied it and walked away.
"I then demandeded for the manager. Two of them came only after more than 5 minutes of my waiting.
"They were so defensive of their staff and they did not even have the courtesy to apologise to us.
"The staff are mostly from China and they have the worst attitude.
"Most of the staff in the counter do not even smile.
"It's like we owe them a million dollars."