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Posted on 01 Apr 2010
Why did these traffic marshals book woman instead of warning her?
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer pedestrian was shocked that these traffic marshals did not stop a lady from crossing a road illegally but instead booked her when she crossed it.
“They did not warn or advise the lady to use the traffic light junction when they saw her,” the STOMPer recounted in an email to STOMP.
“Instead they smiled and waited for her to cross, and then booked her.”
The STOMPer related:
“I saw two traffic marshals at both sides of the road outside OUB and Century Square.
“A lady stood beside the traffic marshal obviously waiting to cross the road and the marshals didn't even warn or advise the lady to use the traffic light junction instead they smile and wait for the lady to cross.
“Finally when the traffic cleared, the lady cross the road and the marshals on the opposite side go towards here and started to book her.
“All the people beside me immediately started saying, ‘what are the marshals doing?
“’They should advise her before she cross instead just stand besides her waiting for her to cross!
“’Why is this happening? Quota not enough?’"
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Tampines , unreasonable , Traffic Police
Why did these traffic marshals book woman instead of warning her?
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer pedestrian was shocked that these traffic marshals did not stop a lady from crossing a road illegally but instead booked her when she crossed it.
“They did not warn or advise the lady to use the traffic light junction when they saw her,” the STOMPer recounted in an email to STOMP.
“Instead they smiled and waited for her to cross, and then booked her.”
The STOMPer related:
“I saw two traffic marshals at both sides of the road outside OUB and Century Square.
“A lady stood beside the traffic marshal obviously waiting to cross the road and the marshals didn't even warn or advise the lady to use the traffic light junction instead they smile and wait for the lady to cross.
“Finally when the traffic cleared, the lady cross the road and the marshals on the opposite side go towards here and started to book her.
“All the people beside me immediately started saying, ‘what are the marshals doing?
“’They should advise her before she cross instead just stand besides her waiting for her to cross!
“’Why is this happening? Quota not enough?’"
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Tampines , unreasonable , Traffic Police