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Bertha Henson: I feel sorry for this famiLEE

Les grossman



Alfrescian (Inf)
Can you blame them? Pinky and Ho Jinx were more or less persona non grata, but they had to show face and do a photo op lest tongues start wagging, even among their fans. :cool:

There's also the simple matter of security, staying there too long might be dangerous. Were previous senior ministers also swarmed with bodyguards wherever they go, including when attending funerals? :wink:


Can you blame them? Pinky and Ho Jinx were more or less persona non grata, but they had to show face and do a photo op lest tongues start wagging, even among their fans. :cool:

There's also the simple matter of security, staying there too long might be dangerous. Were previous senior ministers also swarmed with bodyguards wherever they go, including when attending funerals? :wink:
No Kwa's funeral procession was surround by esteem Cotton Chan.