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Belgium: 'We are going to take off your head,' Jewish woman told by student activists



Free University of Brussels's encampment was cleared on Tuesday, the same day as an alleged attack on a Jewish woman walking past the encampment with her dogs.​


The same day that the anti-Israel protest encampments at universities in Brussels were cleared by police on Tuesday, a Jewish woman alleged that she had been threatened and pelted with objects by student activists.

The People’s University of Brussels group and Pro-Palestinian organizations alleged brutalities against their activists as police removed them from French-speaking Free University of Brussels’ Building B, which they had occupied since May 7 and renamed after deceased Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist Walid Daqqah.

Belgian pro-Palestinian groups shared a post on Instagram on Tuesday promising to continue with their activism, proclaiming “It is not an expulsion: It is the beginning of a movement!”

Calling for the destruction of Tel Aviv​

Video of the raid posted by People’s University of Brussels and photographs published by the European Jewish Congress showed that the interior of the building had been defaced, with graffiti in multiple languages lining the walls. EJC claimed that some slogans on the wall called for Tel Aviv’s destruction.

“This is the sad result of a weak administration that has succumbed to the violence, hatred and blackmail of these wanna-be revolutionary students,” EJC Director of European Affairs Ariella Witchik said on X on Thursday in response to the vandalism. “It is a far cry from the values advocated by this university, which I once respected.”

 A Brussels memorial to non-Jews who worked to rescue Jews from the Nazi genocide campaign was defaced with anti-Israel messages on Tuesday, Jewish organizations said.  (credit: SCREENSHOT/X:@OdileMargaux)
Enlrage image
A Brussels memorial to non-Jews who worked to rescue Jews from the Nazi genocide campaign was defaced with anti-Israel messages on Tuesday, Jewish organizations said. (credit: SCREENSHOT/X:@OdileMargaux)
The same day as the encampment’s clearing, Belgian League against Antisemitism President Joel Rubinfeld shared the claim of a Jewish woman who said that while walking her dog past the encampment she had received abuse from the student activists who allegedly called her “Jew” in Arabic and “dirty Bourgeois”. The activists were accused of throwing objects at her, resulting in a cut. She was also threatened, supposedly told “we are going to take off your head and your dog’s too”, and “you are going to pay for the others.”