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Belgium revokes asylum of Afghan YouTuber over Taliban support




The Belgian government has revoked the asylum of Afghan YouTuber Jamil Qadari due to his support for the Taliban.
On Wednesday, October 2, Belgian media reported that Jamil Qadari’s asylum status had been canceled.
The Belgian government began reviewing Jamil Qadari’s asylum status last year after he publicly declared his support for the Taliban.
This review process started after 7,500 women’s rights activists and supporters signed a petition calling for the revocation of Jamil Qadari’s asylum due to his pro-Taliban stance.
Following this, Nicole de Moor, Belgium’s Deputy Minister for Migration, said she had requested the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons to investigate Qadari’s asylum status.
Jamil Qadari had previously expressed open support for Taliban policies on his YouTube channel. He shared songs and images of the group’s fighters and praised their directives.
Despite this, Belgian Member of Parliament George Dalleman remarked that Jamil Qadari had promoted a regime from which he claimed to have fled.
Jamil Qadari has been a refugee in Belgium since 2010.
Belgium’s revocation of Jamil Qadari’s asylum reflects its strict stance on individuals who support extremist groups while benefiting from refugee status. It underscores the importance of aligning asylum policies with humanitarian principles and national security.
The case also highlights the role of public pressure, as the petition signed by thousands of activists contributed to the decision. This demonstrates how collective action can influence governmental decisions, especially in human rights and public safety matters.