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Beijing super efficient. If you die from Wuhan virus you must be cremated within 2 hours!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiagong the option of cremating someone alive is also on the table.

Just chalk it up as another 'Covid death' no one will know. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
sextract platinum teeth in first 6.9 minutes?

Don't forget to harvest the organs first. They fetch a pretty penny on the black market. Little wonder why the PAP technocrats made HOTA opt-in. Daft Sinkie cattle are resources to be exploited. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't forget to harvest the organs first. They fetch a pretty penny on the black market. Little wonder why the PAP technocrats made HOTA opt-in. Daft Sinkie cattle are resources to be exploited. :cool:
more tiongs kena harvested for organs the better for the world. tiongcock is a giant pig farm.