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Beggar zelensky is a ah kwa! Are sinkies happy pap sent millions to him??




Alfrescian (Inf)
PAP technocrats are part of the global deep state. Of course need to show some support for their boy. :wink:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
There was a reason why Nazism rose up to prominence and ultimately made Western Europe eat itself.

Jews were central to running Weimar Republic (post ww1 Germany until 1930s) and it was famous for degeneracy - LGBT, drugs, loose morals and debauchery was rife in Germany. Berlin in particular.

That's why the nazi party rose to popularity so quickly among the conservative right and first people they targeted were the Jews who profited the most from the social ills. Many of these ww2 jews sailed across the Atlantic and set up a new home in the USA until today
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syed putra

RON Reagan was an actor and also one of the greatest US presidents.
Reagan ended the cold with Gorbachev. We all thought it could be a new beginning.but US had other ideas.
A united europe with russia will be a very strong competitor to the US. And US does not tolerate competition.