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Bees Everywhere in PHole Estates


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 06 Jul 2010
Another bee incident: Swarm hits Serangoon Central flat this time


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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Large groups of bees were spotted in various areas within STOMPer Sunny's flat. The bees were found either gathered around light fixtures on the ceilings, or lying dead on the ground.

Over these past two weeks, two other reports have been made. The first sighting took place in Hougang last Thursday and the second, in Tampines just yesterday.

Said the STOMPer:

"Swarms of bees were seen flying around light fixtures along the common corridors on the top four floors (12th, 13th, 14th and 15th floors) of Block 257 Serangoon Central Drive.

"This happened around 8:30pm yesterday evening.

"Many more bees were lying dead on the floor. Bees were also found in the adjoining multi-storey car park.

"Pest Control from Rentokil was dispatched by the Town Council/Resident Committee to spray chemicals at the bees, to cause them to disperse.

"According to Gray from the Resident Committee, the Pest Control team will look for the hive today as it was too dark before.

"By about 9:45pm last night, most of the bees were found dead on the floor, with a few still flying around the light fixtures on ceilings in the common areas."

Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: bees , scary , serangoon
Pest Control from Rentokil is poisoning our environment !
hdb dwellers can opt for houseflies, it is whether they choose to