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Beach Road slashing victim launches fundraising campaign for S$105,000 in medical, caregiving expenses


The victim of a brutal slashing outside a restaurant on Beach Road last month is raising money through a charity platform to help pay for her medical fees, among other expenses, which amount to about S$105,000.

Crowdfunding platform Ray of Hope put up the campaign on Tuesday (May 10) with the permission of the victim, Ms Han Hongli, 42, who was allegedly attacked on April 14 by 46-year-old Cheng Guoyuan with a chopper as onlookers tried to intervene.

Cheng, a China national, is believed to be the victim's husband, the police previously said.

The six-figure sum she hopes to raise is to cover about S$68,000 worth of medical fees, and about S$8,000 in medical caregiving fees for nurse respite care. Other expenses include loss of income for a year, "shelter fees", as well as S$6,000 for a full-time caregiver.

More at https://shrtcô.de/9GADiG (scroll down to read)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why she never ask tiong embassy for help ? What's the fucking point of having an embassy if it is not for the benefit of the tiongs living here?