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Serious [ BBC News ] Beware of Indian : Dalit Indians Gave High Caste Indians A Taste of Their Own Medicine


Most Rapists are High Caste Indians while Rape Victims are Dalits Untouchables.


Kopardi case: Three get death for India teen's rape and murder
  • 29 November 2017

A court in India has given the death penalty to three men convicted for the rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl.

The men, in their 20s, had raped the teenager in July last year. The court had declared them guilty on 18 November.

The victim belonged to the upper-caste Maratha community while the men were all Dalits, formerly untouchables.

The crime saw millions of Marathas holding silent protests across the western state of Maharashtra for weeks.

The victim and her attackers both lived in Kopardi village and the crime is widely known as the Kopardi case.
The brutality of the crime has led many to compare the case with the 2012 gang-rape of a young woman on a bus in the Indian capital, Delhi.

There has been increased focus on crimes against women in recent years in India.

However, thousands of rapes continue to be reported to the police every year.


If you think High Caste Indians are protesting against Rape, you are dead wrong. They are protesting against No Caste Indians aka Dalits Untouchables.

High Caste Indians only protest when they are the Victims, NOT when they are the Rapists.

Indians are the Biggest Hypocritical Conniving Snakes on Earth.


Why are millions of Indians marching in silence?

Soutik Biswas India correspondent
  • 5 October 2016

For the past six weeks, millions of people have been marching silently across Maharashtra, a state as populous as Mexico.

It is a unique protest: the silent marchers have no leaders; and they include the peasant and the professional. Women lead many of the marches; and politicians are not allowed to seize them. It is a sound of silence, says a commentator, that India can ill afford to ignore.

The protesters belong to the Maratha caste, one of India's proudest - the warrior king Shivaji was one of them. Mostly farmers, they comprise more than a third of the population of Maharashtra, a relatively prosperous state, which is home, on one hand to Bollywood, thriving factories and farms and on the other, malnourished children and neglected tribespeople living in abject poverty.

Huge protests
The rape of a teenage Maratha girl allegedly by three low caste Dalit men triggered the silent marches in July. Then the protests expanded to include a demand for quotas in college seats for students and government jobs and a review of a 27-year-old federal law that protects Dalits and tribespeople from caste-related atrocities.
After more than 20 such rallies, the silent marchers - who call themselves the Maratha Revolutionary Silent Rallies - are expected to gather in the western Indian state capital, Mumbai, at the end of October. More than 10 million people are expected to participate in what could turn out to be one of largest protests in India in recent memory.

The upper-caste, largely land-owning Marathas have a handful of grumbles.

For one, they have turned their ire on the Dalits and tribespeople, alleging that the law to protect them has become a pretext to target the upper caste community, and lodge false cases against them. (The victims also get state compensation for as many as 47 offences against them.)