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Bastard reporter Andrew Wong SPH must have the similar courage to write - From Istana to Changi Prison when Goh Jin Hian goes to Changi Jail



From Parliament to Changi Prison: Iswaran’s fall from grace​



Former transport minister S. Iswaran in a prison van leaving the State Courts on Oct 7. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO
Andrew Wong

OCT 08, 2024, 12:50 AM


SINGAPORE - The fall from grace of S. Iswaran was spectacular – from a private plane ride and plush hotel room at the Four Seasons to a prison van and a straw mat for a bed in a single-man jail cell.
It marked the end of a career in public service that saw him rise through the ranks in the administrative service before his entry into politics in 1997.
Iswaran, 62, arrived at the State Courts on Oct 7 at about 3.30pm. He was alone apart from a male relative who declined to be identified.