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Based on the GST hike debate, I think Lawrence Wong cannot be PM...


The way he speaks as if talking to a spoiled brat who always like to raise his voice until his voice broke, not composed at all in answering questions.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I disagree with his position that if the GST rate is not increased, the government will have to dip into the reserves, which will deprive the nwxt generation.
I believe that the reserves are for rainy days, and COVID assistance as well as drawing on the reserves to delay or to avoid an increase in the GST rate, is not depriving the next generation. Without sufficient info and details of the huge accumulated reserves, I still believe that the government can avoid oe delay the increase in the GST rate until 2024 or 2025.


Super Moderator
I disagree with his position that if the GST rate is not increased, the government will have to dip into the reserves, which will deprive the nwxt generation.
I believe that the reserves are for rainy days, and COVID assistance as well as drawing on the reserves to delay or to avoid an increase in the GST rate, is not depriving the next generation. Without sufficient info and details of the huge accumulated reserves, I still believe that the government can avoid oe delay the increase in the GST rate until 2024 or 2025.
I’ll vote for the Party that brings back estate duties and back-date it to the time when it was removed by the PAP in 2015!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I’ll vote for the Party that brings back estate duties and back-date it to the time when it was removed by the PAP in 2015!
I agree.
Retroactive, as though the repeal did not happened.
I would also consider capital gains tax, biy may be allow one principal residence per family unit, yo be exsmpt from capital gains tax.
I do not believe that Lawrence Wong, the PAP and those at Min of Finance considered estate duties, capital gains tax, and increasing the personal income tax rate for every bracket by one per cent, as well as implement two higher tax brackets.


If gahmen says they are here to help, bend down immediately.


The way he speaks as if talking to a spoiled brat who always like to raise his voice until his voice broke, not composed at all in answering questions.
Privately, if you speak to people in the various ministries he had helmed in the past, those who had worked with him before will tell you he has a fucking asshole type of personality .

Good luck Singkies. All the best.


I agree.
Retroactive, as though the repeal did not happened.
I would also consider capital gains tax, biy may be allow one principal residence per family unit, yo be exsmpt from capital gains tax.
I do not believe that Lawrence Wong, the PAP and those at Min of Finance considered estate duties, capital gains tax, and increasing the personal income tax rate for every bracket by one per cent, as well as implement two higher tax brackets.
Increase the stamp duty, levy and property tax for foreigners owning properties in Singapore.
Also Increase the property tax for owners who own more than one property.
Increase the tax of rental income.
Increase the duty tax of car, especially luxury cars.

The revenue collection would be more than the GST hike


Alfrescian (Inf)
It doesn't matter which assclown from the PAP becomes the PM. Loong will become 太上皇 and still call the shots, while Ho Ching is the proverbial evil empress pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

With proper term limits and clear separation of powers, this would not have happened. Becoming the PM is a job with a specific expiry date, not some birthright you inherited from your daddy, or one which you can pass on to your appointed 'crown prince' as the 'next gen' leader. :rolleyes:


In my opinion, the PAP appeases and supports those in the lower income group the most and very little is given to those in the middle income. That is why you get those Ah Sohs and Ah Peks living in the 2 and 3 bedrooms HDBs to very much favor the PAP. The MediShield and government subsidies (up to 80%) are accorded to this group of people are already very obvious. Those in the higher income group are entirely being deprived of any goodies although some may say that these are already so rich, but then, they are also paying taxes.

And that bitch Indranee said yesterday that the government land sales is just a transfer of the asset type from a land asset to a cash asset. This bitch is talking rubbish because at the end of the 99-year lease, the land goes back to the government with totally no compensation. In the meantime, during that 99 years, the government can take the money derived from its land sales for investments and reap even more profits during this 99-year interim period and yet still be able to get the land back for free after 99 years. So, there is definitely a big difference when the government will sell those 99-year leasehold land to either the HDB or to any private developers. This is the exact reason why there will never be freehold land sales by the government
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I find it laughable that they actually bothered to have a 'debate' for something that is going to be implemented anyway... it stinks of 马后炮 :roflmao:

It reminds me of the numerous times when this trashy govt (or its institutions and agencies) 'seeking public feedback' for what they are about to do anyway. Whatever it takes to maintain the 'consultative' persona while hiding its true CCP-inspired malevolent nature. :rolleyes:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Agree,its all wayang, so don't waste time arguing with them -let the elected MP's do what they are paid for .
For locals, vote wisely before it is too late


It doesn't matter which assclown from the PAP becomes the PM. Loong will become 太上皇 and still call the shots, while Ho Ching is the proverbial evil empress pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

With proper term limits and clear separation of powers, this would not have happened. Becoming the PM is a job with a specific expiry date, not some birthright you inherited from your daddy, or one which you can pass on to your appointed 'crown prince' as the 'next gen' leader. :rolleyes:

I find it laughable that they actually bothered to have a 'debate' for something that is going to be implemented anyway... it stinks of 马后炮 :roflmao:

It reminds me of the numerous times when this trashy govt (or its institutions and agencies) 'seeking public feedback' for what they are about to do anyway. Whatever it takes to maintain the 'consultative' persona while hiding its true CCP-inspired malevolent nature. :rolleyes:

Yup....the useless fuck PM must die now so that at least most of the white minister dun suck his cock to approve bad policies.

Scrooball (clone)

I disagree with his position that if the GST rate is not increased, the government will have to dip into the reserves, which will deprive the nwxt generation.
That’s the popular ideology to blame everything on …. Threaten you with dwindling reserves. Look at USA, it had been bankrupt for several years and it’s still doing fine!

Here’s a crazy idea - all MPs and Civil Serpents take paycuts to avoid dipping into reserves!