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Barter trade coming, ending US delorisation...


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's more interesting to see what happens to shameless money laundering hub Sinkieland. :biggrin:

The price inflation you are witnessing now? Blame it on money laundering. :cool:



To fuck yr mother cheebye...
Actually, I really want to fuck YOUR MOTHER's CHOW CHEE BYE. Would you dare to oblige, you fucking fake @tanwahtiu?

Yeah lah.... see u get fucked by blue camels is fun...

Fuck your mother chow chee bye you fucking closet gay :FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU::FU:

Your fucking Chink economy is fast collapsing, don't you even realized this?

China: 5700 chip companies shut down in 2022/The fierce game of one lithography machine:​

$150 billion+ a year of capital flowing out China: China’s reopening drives more of the wealthy out:​

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