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bankrupted HK beggar family suicide murder fail go jail, sad sob story

democracy my butt

Birthday girl begging sentence concession for father who attempted murder her and suicide, judge gave 2 yr sentence. Birthday girl's birthday gift is to see her only family member daddy go prison.


狠父老鼠藥餵女囚2年 10歲女求情說自己今天生日


9.9k 人追蹤
2018年3月7日 上午10:56








Ruthless father drug feeding women prisoners 2 years 10-year-old female courtesy that he is today's birthday
[Sing Tao Daily News]
Sing Tao Daily
9.9k people tracking
March 7, 2018 at 10:56 am
The man used to leech his daughter's neck to his feet. Information picture

The Singtao Daily reported that the 35-year-old man who was originally engaged in the funeral industry suffered a significant decrease in income after being transferred to a salesman. Financial and family problems put him under great pressure. The involved man was drunk and went home late last February. He intended to kill his children and commit suicide. He tried to force his daughter to drink the rat poison and took his neck to his feet. The man earlier conceded a crime of intentionally attacking children and causing child injuries. He was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment at the High Court.

When Judge Pan Minqi sent his sentence, he mentioned that the defendant had tried to feed his daughter's medicine before committing suicide on the same day. His cell found himself and tossed the mixture away. The defendant looked at her daughter's neck again, causing her to walk off her feet. 6-year-old son witnessed the whole situation. In the end, the daughter had a scratch on her neck and her son was not injured. The children were not affected by the incident.

Pan Guan pointed out that the report shows that the defendant's pressure is not well managed and he uses the wrong methods to deal with stress and economic problems. The situation requires social assistance and the opportunity for re-offending is low. However, the court must consider how to protect those who are not able to protect themselves. The caretaker should be able to control their emotions. The court will not have pity for the acts that harm children. However, the defendant was impulsive and irresponsible when committing crimes. He also vented negative emotions on helpless children. The defendant must have a good example as a father. The judge eventually sentenced him to prison for 2 years.

In addition, when the defense pleaded guilty to the judge, the letter written by the involved daughter mentioned that she was her 10th birthday and revealed that her daughter had painted cakes and candles in the letter.

Court reporter: Chen Yong poetry

Creation time: 10:16

Updated: 10:56

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