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Bai Jing Dead!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bai Jing deceased
From Cinema Online Exclusively for Yahoo! NewsroomBy Mitchell Wong | From Cinema Online Exclusively for Yahoo! Newsroom – 10 hours ago


3 Mar – Chinese actress Bai Jing, known for her roles in "Kung Fu Wing Chun", "Three Kingdoms", and a dozen other films and television series, has been found dead due to a stabbing by her husband, according to reports from Asia One.

It was reported that 44-year-old Zhou Chenghai, a stock marketing businessman, had then taken his own life after murdering his wife in what is believed to have been sparked from a domestic squabble in the Chaoyang district home on Tuesday.

Shocking news of her death was first published around 3pm on Sina Weibo, which is a Chinese networking site akin to Twitter, by the 29-year-old's entertainment agency's general manager Ju Chunlei.

According to Ju, the couple had been quarrelling for a long time now, and the death of Zhou's mother may have been the final straw for the Chinese businessman.

Based on public information, the billionaire businessman and father of one had divorced his first wife to be with the Beijing-based actress and had made large investments in Bai's acting career. Zhou had even received a divorce writ on Tuesday morning which accused him of infidelity, although he defended Bai, saying that she knew nothing about his previous marriage or his son.

As if that controversy was not enough, it was also said that the mother of the 44-year-old man was rumoured to have 'died of anger' after allegations earlier this year that Bai has a boyfriend in the triad, and conspired to embezzle 20 million yuan (RM 9.61 mil) from her husband. She even went as far as to hire a prostitute to seduce Zhou in order for Bai to get a divorce, from which she would get more money.

This particular rumour was denied by director Zhang Tongzhu, who once worked with the actress. He said, "In my mind, Bai is an innocent girl and worked hard." Currently, all details are mere speculation as the case is still under investigation.

The late Bai was born in Diaobingshan, Liaoning Province on 4 June, 1983. Hailed as a possible successor to Malaysian actress Dato' Michelle Yeoh, Bai was, and remains, China's best-known female kung-fu star.