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Bad year ahead for Andy and Nicholas


Gan Ning


Bad year ahead for Andy and Nicholas


Published Oct 23 2010


Rough year ahead for Andy and Nicholas?

Four famous Hong Kong Feng shui masters look into 2011, year of the Rabbit, and predict that both Andy and Nicholas will face troubles in love.

Following the sudden influx of celebrity marriage news i.e. Miriam Yeung, Leon Lai and Andy, the Feng shui masters have come together to look into the celebrities' fortune for the Year of Rabbit.
Looks like 2011 is going to be a rough year for both Andy Lau and Nicholas Tse in the love department.

According to Hong Kong's four famous Feng shui masters, Master So, Mak Ling Ling, Ng Pui Fu and Kan Bing Nam, it will be a turbulent year for the Heavenly King as his love life will be bugged by disputes. As for Nicholas, they predict that he will go through the trials of love as he spends more time away from his wife due to work.
