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Australian survives six-story car-park plunge


Hanzo Hattori


Australian survives six-story car-park plunge

A woman miraculously survived after her car plunged six stories from the top of a car park in Melbourne and became wedged between two buildings.


An Australian woman drove through a Melbourne car park safety barrier and plunged six storeys to the street below
Photo: EPA


Photo: EPA

1:28PM BST 04 Apr 2011

The Australian, in her 40s, was freed half an hour after the vehicle fell an estimated 100 feet, before becoming stuck at ground level between the walls of the car park and another building.

"The site was terrible. Just looking at it now, I'm not sure how the lady got out at all," witness Michael Rockefeller told reporters at the scene.

"It sounded like a truck was crashing. The noise went on for five or six seconds. It was followed by a loud bang at the end."

Ambulance Victoria spokesman Paul Bentley said the woman suffered serious cuts to her head and was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a stable condition.
