General Veers
Vote2010 special feature
12 August 2010 | 09:20:00 AM | Source: SBS staff and agencies
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Our special election interactive map allows you to click through and find out demographic information, including place of birth and religion, for each of the federal seats.
Our Vote2010 special feature has breaking news, analysis and everything else you need to know about the election, from a multicultural point of view.
<!--- Image Article large--> <!--- Text Only --> <!---------- End conditions ----------> Our interactive map allows you to type in your postcode and find your electorate. It gives you a break down of the demographic make up of different federal seats, including who the local member is and where most of the voters in that area were born, what language they speak and their faiths.
Other interactive features include our Pollie Tracker, which gives you a glimpse of where Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are campaigning on a day-to-day basis, and our key events timeline, which gives you a snapshot of the main political events since the last federal election.
You can also play with our swing-o-meter to find out what seats are likely to fall in the event of a swing towards either major party. You can compare where the major parties stand on individual issues in our special issue section, and find out how Insight's panel of swinging voters feels about these issues.
SBS Senior Political Correspondent Karen Middleton offers analysis on the events of the campaign as they unfold in Candid Canberra, while SBS journalist Shalailah Medhora looks at the election from a social media perspective in Spinning the Web.
On top of these special features, the Vote2010 site offers the latest breaking news and in-depth coverage, and background information in a number of languages other than English.