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Atas Small Big Boss tell poor hdbee hardlander clown....mai sia suay give 1 star leeview lah, kym Boss John?



Don't come back, clown': Choa Chu Kang coffee shop operator claps back at diner over 1-star Google review​

'Don't come back, clown': Choa Chu Kang coffee shop operator claps back at diner over 1-star Google review



After-sales service is important - but these customers certainly didn't expect to be served in this manner.
The operator of Choa Chu Kang coffee shop Kosma Food CCK302 has been reportedly clapping back at netizens leaving one-star reviews on Google, dating back as far as two years ago.
Responding to a review claiming that their coffee tastes "very bad" and bland, the operator said: "Okay, then don't come back, clown."

When a netizen commented that food at the establishment was too expensive, the operator wrote: "No money ah bro."
"Go get [more money], broke a** h*," the operator replied to another comment on price.

A picky eater also found fault with how close cleaning agent was used in proximity to food meant to be served.
"Intended to grab some breakfast for my team until I saw a staff spraying glass cleaning agent at the glass panels with the cooked chicken and duck right there," the user wrote.

Snapping back at the review, the operator simply said: You don't like then don't come here, clown."


Alfrescian (Inf)
Here's an idea: sell your food without a platform where people can leave reviews and feedbacks online.

There will always be some insufferable assholes who will leave a bad review because you didn't kiss their ass, or kiss it enough. Or some jealous rivals trying to sabotage your business. Or some bored youths during the school holidays pranking you.

It's all distraction and noise, not valuable feedback to help your improve.