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AT LAST!! Good News for Those Vaxxed:Antibodies Found to Fight the Spike Proteins in mRNA


raw or cooked egg yolk? i eaI fully t 3 to 5 a vday.
Honestly, I was wondering why throughout the covid period, I only caught COVID-19 once, and only with mild symptoms and had no other illnesses. Even though I went everywhere and met all sorts of people. Practiced low hygiene.
Until I saw the video, then I fully understood.
I eat on average 10 eggs weekly!


Honestly, I was wondering why throughout the covid period, I only caught COVID-19 once, and only with mild symptoms and had no other illnesses. Even though I went everywhere and met all sorts of people. Practiced low hygiene.
Until I saw the video, then I fully understood.
I eat on average 10 eggs weekly!
i got sick during covid period because i ate too much ice cream, the sugar will lower your immunity. LOL. But hey, i want to acquire the natural immunity.


i got sick during covid period because i ate too much ice cream, the sugar will lower your immunity. LOL. But hey, i want to acquire the natural immunity.
FYI, I never took the mRNA poison, because early on, way before covid, I educated myself to never trust big pharma.
The forceful rolling out and immunity from prosecution was what sealed the deal for me to understand that some bigger agenda was in play. And it wasn't for your benefit.
So going forwards, those gullible enough to have taken the mRNA, go ahead and indulge in your eggs.
And @porcaputtana , hopefully your family will choke on the yolk.


FYI, I never took the mRNA poison, because early on, way before covid, I educated myself to never trust big pharma.
The forceful rolling out and immunity from prosecution was what sealed the deal for me to understand that some bigger agenda was in play. And it wasn't for your benefit.
yup, same here.